I'm 14- should I be wearing foundation?


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I started wearing it when I was 13 I have really blotchy skin so I had a reason.

Mar 7, 2013

Elena G.

I think the best is to enjoy your natural beauty as long as you can. There will be time when you will really have smonth. to hide.

Mar 7, 2013

Sammi G.

I'm also 14 and I use a bb cream and I brought a full coverage foundation not long ago but I don't need it because I have no spots just some redness and I use this lighty over it like you wear concealer so I'd say no ditch the foundation you don't need it! :)

Mar 8, 2013

Savannah D.

Though it may have a lot to do with genetics, I was 7 when I got what I thought was my first pimple. My mother freaked out and demanded that I start using drying acne washes, oil absorbing facial pads, and she recommended that I wear a little cover-up so the other girls wouldn't tease me. Like they cared anyway. Well, that may have been makeup formulated for the ladies of the 90's, but after that, I had terrible bouts of acne. I stopped using the foundation as soon as I realized it was making things worse, but I will never get my skin back. I had horrible acne throughout elementary school... Who the heck would want that? If your skin is clear, stop. Stop now, because you will miss your clear skin once it's gone.

Mar 9, 2013

Riley S.

If you have no imperfections bb cream/tinted moisturizer with concealer!

Mar 11, 2013

Lydia G.

You most likely look fine without it :)