How many layers you put your nailpolish?


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Mar 4, 2013

Anni H.

How many layers you put your nailpolish on to your nail? I just put three layers and it all just came off when I started to do stuff.. help! :)

Mar 4, 2013

Nilla M.

2 and a good topcoat.

Mar 4, 2013

Ashleigh C.

I use a base coat, 2 coloured coats and a top coat. If you're having trouble with chipping try to make sure all your coats are brand matched

Mar 5, 2013

Nicole F.

Make sure you're doing thin, even coats and allowing them to dry before applying another (which shouldn't take long if you're doing this coats). Also, make sure if you use a B3F polish, that your top and base coat are also B3F; they dry at different speeds and this can really affect the durability of your manicure. Last one, make sure to do one last swipe of polish remover before applying any polish. This removes all oils so the polish can really stick! Hope this helps!