My Skin Is Horrible!! Help!


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Feb 22, 2013

Georgina M.

I've tried several different cleansers, at the moment I use The Body Shop facial cleanser & toner. (I only use non-animal tested products) I use zit cream when I get them, and for some reason they always appear on my nose, chin & by my hairline on the side of my face. It's frustrating because it's embarrassing to have to show my face. I don't use concealer either.

Any suggestions??

Feb 22, 2013

Jamilah A.

Go see an esthetician. :)

Feb 22, 2013

Taylor P.

Clinique acne solutions 3 step!!

Feb 22, 2013

Jeanine J.

African soap from is amazing...its for all skin skin was bad as well and that soap save my face life.

Feb 22, 2013

Ashley M.

I got an acne med prescription from my regular doc (you don't have to go to a dermatologist) I had bad skin till I started using BenzaClin topical gel. Also, cut out all sugary drinks completely. I stick to water and carbonated water. lastly, a glass of carrot juice every day helps. Carrots help both eyes AND complexion. It worked for me--Hope this helps!

Feb 22, 2013

Morgan M.

Ask your dermatologist about acutane. My skin used to be horrible and after 5 months if taking it, it was completely clear and has been for the past two years. I really recommend it!

Feb 22, 2013

Lillian R.

I love differin. It's a prescription but its worth it! And if that doesn't work maybe accutaine. I had to do that and now my skin is completely clear. If you don't want to go so drastically I also love my Clarisonic Mia brush and the acne prone skin brush. It's about $100 but so worth it. The acne skin brush thingy has green bristles. Hope this helps!:)

Feb 22, 2013

Anna T.

If you don't feel like contacting an MD, upgrade your products to Murad. Sold at sephora. It is my favorite over the counter acne solution next to Kate S. and remember to do the whole routine, cleanse, tone and moisturize. Once that is down, try treatments like masks once a week. Murad has a kit with all of this in it.

Feb 22, 2013

Starr L.

X out: if you have sensitive skin...proactive is bad don't ever use it ,it makes things way worse.

Feb 22, 2013

Lucinda C.

Another option is birth controls pills. You could be getting spots due to your pill and vice versa you can control them too. Pills like Yasmin and dianette are great for acne prone skin. If you are on the pill look at the side affects and you may find acne / spots is one. This happened to me and I changed pill and now all fine :)

Feb 22, 2013

Hazel G.

Healthy skin comes from the inside =] drink tons of water, eat really well and take multivitamins, if that doesn't make a drastic improvement you should see your doctor about getting some anti-biotics for it =]
food wise you wanna aim for things high in vitamin E and vitamin K I think, almonds are great, and kiwis apparently =]

Feb 22, 2013

Salma K.

I think you should lots of healthy foods that can revive your skin and you should consult a doctor.

Feb 22, 2013

Megan G.

Tea tree oil :)

Feb 22, 2013

Judith V.

Eat clean. You'll see the difference!

Feb 22, 2013

Kaitlyn V.

Go see your doctor! and get a referral to a derm! also start taking vitamins e and a and zinc too!! just seen my doctor thurs and started also taking zinc Monday and my skin is drastically better. derm appointment Monday!

Feb 22, 2013

Kaitlyn V.

Also, use a gentle cleanser like cetaphil and a toner after like aveeno toner, isn't so drying to your skin. good luck!

Feb 22, 2013

Francesca S.

Use bb cream

Feb 22, 2013

Francesca S.

The Nivea soft moistureisot is amazing try that

Feb 23, 2013

Erin G.

I agree with Megan G! Tea tree oil! :) since you already use items from the body shop, you might like their tea tree line! I started using their cleanser, toner, and both the day and night lotions, washing both morning and night, and the mask once a week and use the oil for spot treatments, my face looks much better!

Feb 23, 2013

Teresa B.

Cut out dairy. drink water. Use baking soda and water as a scrub.

Feb 24, 2013

Danielle P.

Differin. I love it.

Feb 24, 2013

Emilie L.

I don't know how old you are but teens can get acne cause of raging hormones ;) otherwise I'd probably try different clenser etc, toners are not always good for you as most of them have alc in them. look for products with salicylic acid, those are the products that helped me the most.

Feb 24, 2013

Carmen P.

So many ways! toothpaste for really red spots will help so much! it dries them out, however you have to moisturise too! but I used to have a face full of small spots too! but then I used clean and clear spot cream all over my face, its a dream.

Feb 24, 2013

Michelle O.

I've had moderately severe acne for almost 15 years. I've tried everything. What worked in the end? Not Proactiv, Clean and Clear, antibiotics, fancy soaps and creams, but birth control, and spironolactone. The spironolactone helped with the acne a lot, and also the OILINESS. Oh my gosh, was I oily. I took spironolactone initially for premature hair loss (acne and hair loss, all testosterone related, I'm afraid), but my acne has cleared. That, and a good aesthetician. Dermatologists didn't do shit for me. They just recommend antibiotics and lasers. All in all, it's not what you eat (I've always eaten healthy), how much water you drink (I've always drank plenty of water), how 'clean' you are (Hygiene to me has always been important). It's the hormones. That being said, what I used worked for me. If you want to try non medication approach, then any gentle cleanser that doesn't have any SODIUM CHLORIDE in it should be fine, and a strong benzoyl peroxide at nighttime, or during daytime if you need extra help. MOISTURIZE, the skin produces excess oil when the skin is dry, I use a light hyaluronic acid moisturizer, and then a heavier one, if need be. I also use a retinol product at night. Hope this helps. My self-esteem suffered severely, and I've never felt I was beautiful, until I took the birth control and spironolactone. I know how difficult it is to run your hands over your face every day when you're washing it, or to look yourself in the mirror. I've wanted to tear my face off, for years. It's traumatizing, and not your fault, since it's hormone related. Anyways, good luck!

Feb 24, 2013

Michelle O.

Also, look at comedogenic ratings of ingredients used in skincare and makeup. You will be surprised at how many commonly used ingredients are acne causing, even those that advertise as doing the opposite! Avoid MAC makeup, that stuff is the pits. I see people recommending antibiotics. Your body gets used to these eventually, and the acne comes back eventually, since they don't deal with the underlying causes of acne (body's reaction to testosterone). Again, NO NEED TO BUY FANCY AND OVERPRICED COSMETICS that promise to deliver. The best thing you can do is to educate yourself.