Never Give Up(:


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Feb 22, 2013

Amber M.

My names amber munoz I'm 16 and I recently had2 heart surgeres in 2012 I had a machine installed around my heart to pump it but it failed then a heart transplant and I'm working on losing weight, see all my life I wasnt healthy but apprently it was cause I had heart failure , but now I'm getting healthy an being able to feel better, I wear makeup and I feel happy about it an how I look well I just wanted to say ladies don't give up (:

Feb 22, 2013

Skylar J.

Stay beautiful... ☺

Feb 22, 2013

Amber M.

Thank you (:

Feb 22, 2013

T T.

DW we're here for you! You're doing so well. I personally have a few friends who have heart problems as well but to see them still smiling makes me happy. Thank you I won't give up on anything so you stay strong too! (:

Feb 22, 2013

Amber M.

Thank you (: always try an try (:

Feb 22, 2013

Lissa L.

Your such an inspiration!! Best of luck to you :)

Feb 22, 2013

Amber M.

Thanks everyone (: never give up on your goals (:

Feb 22, 2013

Amber M.
