Bumps all over my cheeks! :(


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Feb 23, 2013

Marissa F.

So I just recently noticed my skin wasn't smooth anymore. I have these small bumps all over my cheeks and a little on my neck! You can see they VERY well in the sun, which is why I edited the picture (sorry for bad quality).
Idk what these bumps are, they are not black or white heads they're just small flesh covered bumps :(
Does someone know what it is? Or how I can get rid of them?
Please and thank you!

Feb 23, 2013

Angela S.

A friend of mine had that to ,it's a sort of allergy, maybe vaseline works!

Feb 23, 2013

Marissa F.

Thank you!

Feb 25, 2013

Lolli S.

Exfoliate.if you waxed that could cause that.

Feb 25, 2013

Araceli J.

None of that will help, maybe its a medication or food, make up allergies... wash your face, only apply triple antibiotic ointments

Feb 25, 2013

Chelly Q.

That used to happen to me all the time- I was allergic to some clean and clear face wash I was using- Have you started using any new face, detergents, etc.products recently?

Feb 25, 2013

Isabelle B.

Have you recently changed your face wash, moisturizer or toner? Then its probably an alleegic reaction. I got spots on my face from my new facewash bc it contained sulfates. If thats not it then it could be a reaction to something else like new laundry detergent on your pillow case. Try to think what got changed in the last couple of days.

Feb 25, 2013

Saamiya I.

I usually get these bumps when I'm not drinking enough water.

Feb 25, 2013

Kathryn L.

It looks like either oil congestion or hives. Depends how long you have had them for? I say it looks like oil congestion because this area of the skin is notorious for it in women. Ohhhh hormones.

Feb 25, 2013

Shauna S.

I've had this before. I think you might have the same thing, it's called pityriasis rosea. The cause is unknown, you most likely just had a reaction to an unknown substance. Unfortunately there's not much you can do about it but don't put anything on it. Don't use a face wash or even a moisturizer. Apply ice on it about 5 times a day. If it becomes itchy or starts spreading go see a dermatologist. Doctors don't really know much about skin problems lol. If you can't get into a dermatologist as your doctor for steroid cream. Apply it twice a day and it should go away within a week.