I need a great concealer!


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Feb 13, 2013

Sophie M.

No, I do not have a black eye! This is what I deal with EVERY DAY! It runs in my family- HORRIFYING dark cricles! Right now, I use Benefit Erase Paste. It just isnt cutting it for me and I need long-lasting coverage... any suggestions??

Feb 13, 2013

Abbey H.

Amazing cosmetics has THE BEST concealer. It's really expensive, but you need so little and it's totally worth it.

Feb 13, 2013

Bemnia L.

Mac prolong wear is the best stuff. I often times forget I'm wearing makeup when I wear it. then I rub my eyes and it doesn't budge it's lightweight and super lasting, you could go swimming or take a shower with it on and it wouldn't budge. and to take it off all you need is makeup remover ( I use olive oil) hope I could help.

Feb 13, 2013

Sophie M.

thank you!^

Feb 13, 2013

Jade M.

I have that problem too thanks girls!!

Feb 13, 2013

Amber K.

Clinique all about eyes concealer. This stuff doesn't budge. I wear it to badminton practice and I emerge looking fabulous! It comes in at around $17.