How many times a day should I use lemon juice?


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Feb 14, 2013

MadYa K.

To lighten acne and acne scars?

Feb 14, 2013

Caitlin M.

I'd only use it once a day if that. If you use it anymore than once remember to moisturize well. Although I would only use it once a day or every other day. Its mostly harmless but it is still an acid and while acids aren't all bad, they can still be harsh on the skin if you overuse them. Fading acne and scars is going to take some time. You don't want to further irritate the skin with more lemon just to see results faster.

Feb 14, 2013

Kaitlyn V.

Twice a day! moisturize! and if your skin is sense rice dilute with water. I use it daily!

Feb 15, 2013

MadYa K.

thank you girls :)

Feb 15, 2013

MadYa K.

thank you girls :)

Feb 15, 2013

Vaishnavi T.

Once a day would be okay.

Feb 15, 2013

Shannon G.

I definitely wouldn't use it more than once a day because lemons are a very acidic fruit and you do not want to irritate the skin. Don't forget to moisturise well :)

Feb 15, 2013

Marne M.

I use baking soda and lemon to help fade some scars on my face but only once a week since it was drying.

Feb 15, 2013

Danielle P.

Lemon juice is an irritant, and acne scars aren't like sun spots that can be lightened by regular skin lighteners... there's no pigmentation, it's a scar, so skin lighteners in general won't work. Use something with glycolic or retinol that will help with skin cell turnover, your scarring will get more results from that than lemon juice, and always use an spf!

Feb 15, 2013

Faith M.

Try a plant peel from aveda. it will help... its a glycolic peel but won't over process your skin like a chemical peel would.