Is fair/pale skin really a bad thing?


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Feb 12, 2013

Maggie M.

I'm not tan by any means. I can't go out in the sun for more than an hour at a time without burning like a lobster. My mother has always said my skin is a gift because I won't get wrinkly young like many over tanned women do. However I wonder lately if a spray tan is worth it. I've always known I was pale but it never really bothered me till this year. Two things have stuck out in my mind and have made me self conscious. One: the last week of summer I was hanging out with some guys I met at a resort I was at. One of em took it upon himself to ask if I was single. When I said yes he shocked the group by sayin it was "because I was so pale." I laughed it off but it stuck with me. Two: I'm in show choir and so I frequently have to wear heavy stage makeup. Trust me the paler you are the more bronzer you'll go through to avoid a washed out look whilst performing. I was helping a younger girl learn to do hers (she's as pale as I am) and several senior girls asked us why we don't just go to tanning beds like everyone else. I have a strict no tan bed policy because of a friend I have that got skin cancer from her tanning. They then suggested spray tans. I said I'd rather just stick with bronzer for now. Every so often girls will bring up the fact that a spray tan could make me look better. All it really achieves is making me self conscious. I finally figure out make up techniques that work for me and now do I really need to learn it all over for a different skin color? And what if I look like an oompaloopa like some disasters I've seen walking the halls of my school? Or what about the fact that simply getting fake tan would be super obvious; pale girl Friday then next Monday shiney new tan? I just don't know what to do really. I guess I'm just looking for some confidence in my skin. Girls I implore you, is a tan worth the time and money or is there a way to make pale beautiful?

Feb 12, 2013

Devan V.

Tanned in a bed is too common. natural is the way to go.

Feb 12, 2013

Julia P.

I'm seriuosly the color white and I'm not albino I hate when people talk.about my skin. personaly I dont give two sh**s anymore and I'm not going to be fake about it:))

Feb 12, 2013

Lauren M.

I adore pale skin. usually girls with pale skin reminf me of delicate porcelain dolls. :)

Feb 13, 2013

Natalie C.

I have really pale skin too & in some cultures, pale skin is like a beauty accessory:)

Feb 13, 2013

Jaye R.

I think it just depends on your features and id say if youre naturally fair then it probably suits you better than getting a yucky fake tan.. Nature knows what shes doing :)

Feb 13, 2013

Ali W.

Completely agree with Lauren M., I have fairly pale skin but I don't burn but the porcelain doll look is what I go for. I think pale skin is beautiful and when pale girls get tans it just doesn't look right to me. Embrace the pale, fair skin is gorgeous and much more natural than a spray tan! Also, cheaper.

Feb 20, 2013

Maggie M.

Thank you all so much! This just made my day. Thank y'all.