Isn't This A Beauty Site?


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Feb 11, 2013

Bill C.

Hey Ben. Thanks for your post.

You are not the only person who is a bit unhappy with the rise in off-topic posts. We have been growing a lot, and have not been able to do as good a job at moderating as we'd like -- but we are stepping up our game in this regard, so things should be getting a lot better soon.

We are also planning a revamp of our forum categories, to better corral the off topic stuff that a lot of people would rather not read, and a revamp and a better presentation of our forum guidelines, to make sure everybody knows what is and isn't allowed, and what the expected standards of behavior are.

The forums here have always been a great place, where people can learn, ask questions, and share their work and checkout the work of others. They have gotten a little weedy as of late, but we are really determined to get on top of it make sure they stay great.


Feb 12, 2013

Christine K.

Its nice to know that the Beautylish team will be updating the forum. I'm looking forward to the changes. By the way, the Beautylish shop is wonderful! I love the brands you have chosen to carry. I will be purchasing more soon. Ordering was easy, shipping was fast and the process was easy :) Great job!

Feb 12, 2013

Brittany A.

I agree, Ben. I got an account on here to learn about makeup and as of lately that hasn't been happening much. I am honestly considering leaving the site.

Feb 12, 2013

Jes T.

Its just the people on here. :( they like to bash everyone. Making a thread just to make fun of another artist, I even found a thread where someone called a girl fat. That is NOT okay. Some people just need to get over themselves.

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

I agree! It should be a peaceful communirt for beauty enthusiasts that shares a common passion. We have different points of views due to our cultural differences. We all live in different parts of the world and members should remember that. We should respect each others' points of view no matter what. And instead, learn from each other, especially, beauty related.

Feb 12, 2013

Miranda M.

People should have good intentions with their advice and tips, not to hurt others feelings. :)

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

Beautylish team should considering putting a swap board on the forum because we all know that everyone in here should have bought a beauty product that they didnt like and pushed at the very end of their stash.

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

@emma, nobody in my family really understands me being a makeup junkie.. They always say I waste money and that I have too much whereas in fact that's the only thing that keeps me stress free from being a full-time college student/full-time preschool teacher/mom/wife all at the same time. :) online beauty forums are my only way of communicating with people whom I share the same passion with. :)

Feb 12, 2013

Victoria B.

Oooo a swap board would be awesome!!
I'm new to the site and so far ( knock on wood) I havnt come across any of the harsh words. I'm having a blast and rather addicted to the app. I love looking at all the amazing make up everyone has done. I have really learned a lot! :)

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

LOL. I was the one who started the thread about Nicki Minaj.. I have no intention whatsoever bashing her on non-beauty related stuff. I admire her lipsticks, that's why I asked here if you ladies know what shades of lipsticks she uses. Because I am such a lover for pink lipsticks myself! :)

Feb 12, 2013

Maura P.

Finally so glad that some action is being taken. So annoying when you come on here for beauty related things and you have to go through like 50 pages of "am I pretty" "am I fat" " how to get a boyfriend". People I have news for you this is NOT Facebook/Twitter. The people on here are NOT your "friends" they don't know you(am not saying that you can't make a friend on here or that you and someone you know in real is on here) what I mean is that for the most part you don't know who is on here to be asking for PERSONAL advice. The other day a girl called me a bad apple cause I refuse to give her the attention that she was seeking. Sorry just had to get it out there, but yes am happy that something is being done:)

Feb 12, 2013

Chantal D.

You might be nice to have a section just for general topics I don't have to do is make up because it feels like a community and sometimes it's nice to get advice from other girls.

Feb 12, 2013

Chantal D.

But it is good to limit or omit controversial topic.

Feb 12, 2013

Caitlin M.

I really hope that the new forum improvements will cut down on some of the ridiculousness we've had to endure on here some days. There's a lot of stuff and people that shouldn't be on here because they don't know how to conduct themselves properly or how to posts things in the right places, or use the search bar before posting. I will be so glad if there's actually new and exciting questions and threads that haven't been answered a million times. I still enjoy the site but that enjoyment has been decreasing over time because of some of the things I see on here.
I'm hoping for the best though.

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

@katerina- I totally agree. We all have different views. No matter what it is, we should respect it. Not starting a criticism.
And yes, I agree with Katerina and Caitlin! Too much multiple threads! We should have a mod for that so that we can have everything all in one thread..

Also, probably a partition of board would be better for non-beauty related for those who really wanted to talk about non- beauty stuffs..

Also, a swatch reference board also to keep everyone a reference! To make it more of a realia of making this board a helpful.

Another thing that I can suggest is a FOTD board where everyone can share their makeups of the day, inspire each other by showing them their looks. Especially, this forum is very accessible via handheld devices makes it even easier to post pics. :)

Lastly, the search engine. Does it work?! I tried using it and it seems to give me tons of return search not related to what I was looking for..

Hope all these suggestions help! Just want all the best for beautylish because I really enjoy posting here. 😃😊

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

Boards divided into: Makeup, Skincare, Nails, Hair, Perfumes, Non Beauty Related, Fashion and accessories, there you go. :)

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

Swatch reference board with different folders for each brands.

Feb 12, 2013

Chantal D.

I think it would be helpful to have a genre of 16+, and a non-beauty forum, and a fashion section. There's really nowhere else I can go to get repudiate device and I definitely need Fashion advice to.

Feb 12, 2013

Stacy G.

Swap board would be awesome.

Feb 12, 2013

Rica F.

And it would be awesome if we have a private message function... Do we have one? Please correct me if we do..

Feb 12, 2013

Alma M.

I'm glad people are starting to speak up more about it, its been like this for a couple of months and I'm glad Beautylish is listening and working on it  :-)

Feb 13, 2013

Bill C.

Hey Everybody...

Just wanted to follow up. We are starting to push out some things which we think will help with some of the issues discussed in this thread, you can read a bit about them over here, in our new "Off Topic, Non-Beauty" section: