Renaissance Festival costume.


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Feb 26, 2013

Lolli S.

Wow that's interesting I went to one like 25yrs was very spooky.anyways and your area is there a costume store?maybe if you google it or YouTube it you cn get ideas wht to wear.Mayb party city?

Feb 26, 2013

Ali W.

Don't do party city, try looking at Etsy (: I love that site and since a lot of it is homemade, if you go for homemade you're getting it from someone who knows what they're doing when making those costumes.

Always wanted to go to a ren fair ^^ sounds amazing, good luck!

Feb 26, 2013

Ali W.

By the way, I'm in love with your profile picture, that's so cool!

Feb 26, 2013

Ali W.

Me too >< Dungeons and Dragons geek here...Gonna have to check out festivals around here now (:

Feb 26, 2013

Ali W.

Where in Michigan? I live in Indiana so if it isn't too far I'll have to check it out :3.