I have split end questions!


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Feb 27, 2013

Breelyn H.

How does having split ends cause your hair not to grow or does it even affect your hair?
Are there ways to help split ends or should I just cut them off? (e.g. split end mender)
How often should I cut my split ends?

Feb 27, 2013

Nicholle B.

Personally, I just snip them when I see them. That way you don't need a full trim as often. One huge split end mending helper is coconut oil. Use it as a hot oil treatment, and leave skill night if you can. wash out with regular shampoo the next morning. It does wonders for all aspects of hair beauty!

Feb 27, 2013

Natori G.

Because instead of growing..your ends just continually split up. usually my hair gets reallll notty after I wash it, then I cam tell I need a hair cut because of split ends. so just cut them. & it depends on the damage of your hair determining how often you should cut it.

Feb 27, 2013

Mercedes C.

Its not that split end don't allow your hair to grow its the fact that the split ends break off therefor you don't notice your hair growing! I'd definitely get a hair cut before those split ends continue to spilt up the whole hair stand! There isn't a way to fix a split end except cut it unfortunately.. There are products to help coat the hair but it doesn't "fix" them!! You should get a trim every 6 weeks even if it's just a inch!!

Feb 27, 2013

Breelyn H.

@Nicholle B. I have coconut oil that's called Lou Ana; could I heat that up and use it as a hot oil treatment?