Salvaging extremely over-processed hair!


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Feb 26, 2013

Marina R.

It's probably been said and done a million times but I'm just too excited to keep it in.

After highlights I decided that I wanted fully platinum hair but really didn't want to pay another 200 dollars and stupidly two days ago, I did it myself at home. Long story short, I experienced breakage, fuzzy hairs all over the top of my head, etc.
I decided to trim my own hair to remove dead ends and that didn't do much for the breakage so last night at 6PM I slathered my hair in coconut oil, and not just a tiny amount, I'm talking half a jar where my hair was dripping. I wrapped my hair in glad wrap and left it on for another 6 hours. I removed the glad wrap and reapplied more coconut oil along with olive oil (mixture was half each), put glad wrap in my hair and went to sleep. At around 2:45PM today, I put in a huge amount of mayonnaise in my hair (note that my hair has not been washed yet so I still have coconut and olive oil in my hair), wrapped my hair in glad wrap and kept it on for around two hours and every half an hour or so, apply heat to it.

After I washed it out (cooler than warm water) I shampooed and conditioned with a standard shampoo and conditioner and when I combed it, I was shocked to discover that breakage has been almost completely reduced. In fact, my comb has less hair on it from now than it normally collects before I bleached my hair. I have yet to see what it will feel and look like when it's dry but right now my hair feels and looks wonderful. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling it's somewhat counteracted the toner I had in my hair so it appears a little brassy, but I'm more concerned about the condition of my hair at the moment then the colour.
So if you have a couple of days to spare, I really do recommend this old school method of repairing damaged hair :)

Feb 26, 2013

Alisha M.

I've totally got to try that!!

Feb 26, 2013

Marina R.

Update: I dried the front and straightened it just to see if its alright when it's dry and it's completely fine too. It's a tiny bit dry but NOTHING compared to how bad it was before the treatment. It has worked soooo well for me, couldn't be happier :)

Feb 26, 2013

Emma J.

I've heard about this!! Good to know it works!! :)

Feb 26, 2013

Pooja J.

What js a glad wrap?? M sorry I have no idea!!

Feb 26, 2013

Marina R.

That plastic stuff you use to cover bowls of food or whatever when you put it in fridges. I'm sorry I don't know what they call it in other countries as I'm from Australia :P

Feb 26, 2013

Marina R.

Ps, another update, I kept the rest of my hair in a plait and just let it out and let me tell you, it feels like silk. The top is a little dry but everything else feels incredible.

Feb 26, 2013

Marne M.

ApHogee. You can buy it at sallys. Its a two step protein treatment to bring back up to par due to the fact in stripping all protein. I use neutral protein filler a lot in my hair. Give it a shot. :)

Feb 26, 2013

Marne M.

And sometime I shall try your treatment. :)

Feb 27, 2013

Marina R.

We don't have a Sally's here in AUS, but I'll have a look at some websites that ship to Australia because I've read good things about ApHogee :)

Feb 27, 2013

Rochelle K.

It's bad for your hair if you put too many moisturizers in it such as keratin and proteins. Just be careful.

Feb 27, 2013

Marina R.

Yeah I've heard of protein overload where the hair will snap off if there's too much.

Feb 27, 2013

Marne M.

I bleach my hair every two weeks so I need to add protein filler in twice a week so its not too much :3 and yeah ApHogee is like omg lol.

Feb 27, 2013

Marina R.

Do you bleach your hair yourself?

Feb 27, 2013

Marne M.

Yes I do. Professionals have turned my friends hair a different color so many times so I will not go unless it is needed. I learned what I needed from Michael James and my mom. And a few people from here as well.