To Much Boob? And Is It A Bad Picture?


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Feb 25, 2013

Houda L.

So my friend took this of me yesterday, and everyone who has seen it thinks I should make it my profile picture, but I think it's too much boob, and I'm not sure it's such a great picture either, help me out ladies!!

Feb 25, 2013

Claire B.

No I dnt tink it is you dnt hav them hanging out it doesn't luk to much and I tink you luk stunning

Feb 25, 2013

Savannah I.

You can't even see your boobs bc there's a shadow there. Profile it.

Feb 25, 2013

Caitlyn B.

It's not too much boob. But I don't think you should use it as a profile picture. The light is coming from the wrong direction. I would want YOU to stand out, not the background behind you :)

Feb 25, 2013

Sarah B.

Definitely use it :) show off what you got girl! Not many girls have boobs like that!

Feb 26, 2013

Lara C.

Theyre definitly there... but not too much don't worry!!

Feb 26, 2013

Lolli S.

You got it so wk it.

Feb 26, 2013

Katharina C.

Lol trust me its not too much boob! you look nice <3 put it up!

Feb 26, 2013

Michelle B.

Be proud of them girls and post! lol.

Jun 23, 2013

Kirin S.

Profile pic it!