Wax Acne Problem?!


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Feb 25, 2013

Alyse G.

Everytime I get my brows waxed I break out!! Does this happen to you, what should I do? If I don't tame the brows they look terrible! HELP!!

Feb 26, 2013

Erica F.

My guess is either you're allergic to the wax or bacteria is getting in where the hair was. Try this: clean your face really well before you wax. After that get all the wax off with baby oil. Get the baby oil off and apply vitamin e oil and aloe vera gel (like the kind you use after a sun burn). Wait until it stops hurting and isn't red then wash that off. See what happens. I had the same problem and this worked for me. I also wax my own brows so its easier for me to control what kind of wax I use.

Feb 26, 2013

Megan G.

Make sure your pores don't get clogged after waxing, and sometimes I don't put any product on after I wax, which always helps.

Feb 26, 2013

Jennah S.

I used to! Turned out my eyebrow woman was putting lotion on it to soothe and that was making me break out. So I told her and she started putting a bit of hydrocortisone on them instead! I also just go home and wash my face. Usually that works perfectly!