Moles on face.. any dermatologist or experiences??


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Feb 15, 2013

Kathryn L.

Definitely see a dermatologist about them just because a regular Dr could make a disaster out of them because they don't have the proper equipment, or technique. Regardless, having moles removed by a deem usually will consist of having them cut out, nitrogelled or laser. They most likely will scar so just be aware of that seeing as they on your face and you have a very pretty face! You don't want the after to look worse than the before! so just be careful definitely just go for consult.

Feb 16, 2013

Nicole M.

I had a mole removed on my shoulder, it gets red for a bit but it'll return to normal after a while, the procedure is painless though!

Feb 16, 2013

Tina T.

Where do you get it remove

Feb 16, 2013

Lolli S.

My husband had one above his before I met him and the Dr. told him to remove it cuz it was black and was becoming a cist that could turn into a tumor so he removed it.I dnt notice a scar bt there r creams to help that.Its hw you feel and wht your Dr suggest

Feb 16, 2013

Lolli S.

Opps above his eye!

Feb 16, 2013

Vanessa A.

I had one removed from my hairline & it left a slight scar but, faded over time. I have 2 on my cheek but, the doc said leave them alone. I think it's best try & remove when they are small. Sometimes as you get older they get bigger :( at least that is happening with me. The derm told me that they can grow back if you freeze & slice them off but, if they cut them out there is more scarring but, they don't grow back.

Feb 16, 2013

Lolli S.

@Romie it was a dermetogist who did the actual procedure I'm nt sure.ya he said it was a chance it grow into away it went off he didn't like it anyways.Black moles r the ones you must get a Dr to examine.

Feb 16, 2013

Iris H.

Leave them alone. I got moles on my face as well. I really think and so been told that those are beauty marks especially the one I have on the side of my lip like Monroe's. I just had a wart removed from my neck cuz it was bothering me by my dermatologist and he didn't say that it would leave a scar. He froze it and it left a ugly scar. If I were you I wouldn't even bother with them because they aren't so bad. I've seen worst. Yoir fave is very pretty and you'll mess it up.

Feb 16, 2013

Iris H.

you have*