Chicken Skin :(


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Feb 16, 2013

Cynthia D.

Well hello😊 I was wondering if someone could help me with my skin issue of chicken skin. It's like I always have goose bumps :/ please help! Home remedies are welcome!

Feb 16, 2013

Yesenia P.

Sephora sells something from Dermadoctor called KP Duty "Chicken Skin". I saw some YouTube reviews saying it helped. It is expensive. That's 1 option??

Feb 16, 2013

Kelsey V.

KP Duty works very well but if it's too expensive I would recommend Amlactin- dermatologists suggest this for KP and it's only about $15 for a large bottle at the drugstore. It's also very important to exofoliate the problem area.

Feb 16, 2013

Kelsey V.

KP Duty works very well but if it's too expensive I would recommend Amlactin- dermatologists suggest this for KP and it's only about $15 for a large bottle at the drugstore. It's also very important to exofoliate the problem area.

Feb 16, 2013

F F.

I have the same prob with that in the back of my arms.. I saw a dermatologist and twy gave me a topical cream that I never used because I was nursing full time so I can't say How it worked but I dis try kp duty for that and it disnt work well for me.. in the mean time Exfoliate and try rubbing lemon on it.

Feb 16, 2013

Vanessa A.

Olive oil & baking soda help a lot. I had the same problem. I'm beginning to think olive oil & baking soda cures everything :)

Feb 16, 2013

F F.

Lol Vanessa.. Thanks I will try that too!;)