How often do you wash your hair?


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Jan 28, 2013

Laurie G.

i have fine hair that gets greasy after a day so i have to wash everyday. i also suffer from an itchy scalp and for some reason it is incredibly itchy if i dont wash it daily. i think these people who dont wash their hair everyday and are going on about how you shouldn't dont understand just how greasy some peoples hair gets.

Jan 28, 2013

Melissa G.

I wash my hair every day 90% of the time. My mother was a cosmetologist/hair dresser growing up and told me that the amount of hair washing depends on the persons personal chemistry. Me personally, every day. And I have some of the healthiest hair my hairdresser has ever seen. So, honestly its whatever you're comfortable with and what works for you. I personally can't go more than 1 or 2 days without a wash, I have fine but thick hair and I tend to use a lot of product in my hair when I style it. The build up alone of product weighs it down which is a no-no for me. So, it's honestly up to you. There honestly isn't any solid right answer. 

Jan 28, 2013

Michelle C.

Going against the grain here to say I wash my hair every day. My hair is quite healthy, however, I don't use styling products or heat most of the time. I wash it every day cause I just feel gross if I don't.

Jan 28, 2013

Caitlin M.

I wash mine every day unless I'm sick or something. Any of the damage I encounteres was from dyeing or bleaching. Since I've stopped the new hair coming in is healthy and strong. I just don't feel clean without having washed my hair each time I shower. And its more of a hassle for me to dance around not getting my hair wet while showering than just washing it when I'm in there. And I don't care for dry shampoo so there's no way around it with me. If it feels icky, I'm washing it lol. 

Emma T.

Victoria, Australia