How often do you wash your hair?


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Jan 28, 2013

Emma T.

I've been told by magazines, the internet, and other women that it's best to wash your hair no more than once a week. I also hear every second day. My sister insists on washing hers daily!

I'm curious - how often do you wash your hair, and why?

Jan 28, 2013

Joan D.

I've heard that too about not washing your hair more than once a week because of the chemicals in commercial shampoos and conditioners. However, in summer i have to wash it every second day otherwise it gets quite disgusting. In winter i can last up to the third day and perhaps the fourth, but rarely have i lasted a week without washing. My hair just gets too oily and smelly otherwise.

Jan 28, 2013

Emma T.

Me too! I can last about 3-4 days, but only with A LOT of dry shampoo! Otherwise it's extremely oily and dirty! 

Jan 28, 2013

Alex T.

What are the benefits of not washing your hair every day please? :-)

Jan 28, 2013

Eva V.

It doesn't get damaged Alex

Jan 28, 2013

Alisa D.

I rarely wash my hair. It can go for very extended periods of time without getting greasy, its very healthy, and luckily I know how to style it anyway I like without products.

*For reference, I have normal (not oily or dry) semi wavy, NON African American mixed hair. (I am mixed obviously, lol, but not Hispanic or African American)

Also note, for those that have such oily hair that "have to" wash daily, that can be changed, and it does work for everyone! :D

Jan 28, 2013

Bianca O.

I usually wash my hair every other day :-)

Jan 28, 2013

Tyler B.

Once a week?? I don't think so, can you imagine how greasy it would get? I couldn't, I wash mine every other day, if I don't I already notice it getting greasy and I hate thet,.As long as you condition it and look after it it will be ok

Jan 28, 2013

Emma T.

My hair is incredibly long and very, very thick so washing it is a massive chore but if I don't at least twice a week, I feel really grotty. 

Jan 28, 2013

Jessica L.

I am actually in cosmetology. it is not good to wash your hair ever day, it can be damaging and little chuncka of your hair could start to fall out. 

Jan 28, 2013

Jessica L.

by wash it means with shampoo and conditioner, you can still get your hair wet though

Jan 28, 2013

Alexa B.

My hair is so thin, so it gets dirty and other stuff in it easier so I'll wash my hair at like 8 am and by 12 it's greasy. My hair stylist said I MOST wash my hair every day because all those oils aren't good for the rest of my skin.

Jan 28, 2013

Katie W.

If you wash it everyday the natural oils in the hair go away and DON'T come back

Jan 28, 2013

Alia R.

I wash mine every other day

Jan 28, 2013

Lindsey H.

I prefer to wash mine daily as it just doesn't feel right or clean enough if I don't, I know this will differ with people but I feel cleaner with nice clean fresh hair 

Jan 28, 2013

Demi L.

I wash my hair every other day whit andrelon

Jan 28, 2013

jeanie h.

I was mine 2-3

Jan 28, 2013

Patty H.

once every week I have red hair so I don't want it to wash out...and it keeps my hair healthier..n my head dont stink I have dry scalp ;)

Jan 28, 2013

Gabri F.

Every other day =)

Jan 28, 2013

Maura P.

actually I do last a week with out washing my hair...ladies if you are washing your hair everyday it makes sense that you have oily hair because you are stripping your hair of its natural oils so your hair keeps making more and oil...I wish mine every week and I haven't died and it doesn't get oily or anything....another tip you should only shampoo the hair cloesest to your scalp 

Jan 28, 2013

Nouf H.

since my hair doesn't grease up or get dirty for a long time, i wash my hair every three days. i have dry hair naturally so i use conditioner first to deeply condition my hair from root to tip and then follow up with a shampoo and my hair stays clean for about 5 days if i don't wash it and on the 6th day it starts to get a tiiiiny bit oily which isnt visible to anyone and i use dry shampoo anyway. i do take a shower everyday though. i heard giving your hair a break from washing it is actually good for it, as the oils it produces make your hair grow faster. 

Jan 28, 2013

Zeroya A.

u shouldnt wash hair everyday...i wash it every other day

Jan 28, 2013

Jane K.

everyday I have greasy hair:(

Jan 28, 2013

Janelle J.

I usually go 4-5 days in btw washes. I can go longer but it gets harder to style. I use dry shampoo and a freshener to keep it from smelling. I have the thickest hair so washing it more often than that is too much work! 

Jan 28, 2013

Lizzy M.

I wash mine every 3-5 days. I dance a lot, so even if my hair is dirty, it just goes up in a bun anyway! The reason you shouldn't wash your hair everyday is because the shampoo will remove the natural oils from your hair, so your body panics and says, 'Quick! Her scalp is too dry, better produce even more oils than last time!' You can read some articles about 'training' your hair. In between washes, you can rinse your hair in the showet & massage your scalp as if you're shampooing your hair. When its dry, tease your hair for some volume, and it should look as good as new! 

Emma T.

Victoria, Australia