Ways to boost confidence


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Jan 28, 2013

Julia K.

of course it will help! every little change helps you to get more confident and if you feel pretty you will automatically seem prettier to all the others :) i know what i am talking about because when i was younger i felt the same way cause the others made fun of me. but now i feel good about myself and how i look :)

Jan 28, 2013

Julia K.

so try makeup but remember that you should always stay yourself :)

Jan 28, 2013

Kat K.

I used to have horrible confidence issues. You just have to look at yourself and see the good things. Like your eyes or your hair. No body is perfect, so if people get in your face about it just realize that they have flaws to. God made you beautiful and you have to accept the fact that everyone is beautiful, not matter what size or race you are. ❤

Feb 15, 2013

Brittany M.

I have had very low self asteem and what my councelors have told me to do is
1) realize you are a wonderful UNIQUE person and no one it perfect ever hear the saying perfectly imperfect well that saying is so true
2) challenge yourself to write down 50 things about yourself you love usually they say to not include looks but I want to challenge you to write both things your personality and looks
3) another great thing that really helped me to love myself was everymorning either when you wake up or as your getting ready for the day come up with one positive saying about yourself that you want to believe or need to hear and say it to yourself while looking in the mirror every morning...I have a lot more great ways to build confidence so if you want anymore advice I will gladly help you out and just know you are not alone there are so many girls who think badly of themselves and you did the right thing by asking for help =]]

This breaks my heart to see all of you beautiful girls not have self confidence- but I'm glad you all have such positive outlooks and are actually trying to change your thinking patterns. I honestly think that the reason so many of us have such low self esteem/confidence is because of today's society. I have the same issues with myself, and I know I'm my biggest critic; but once you start to love yourself- you draw others to you and they fall in love with you too :)
But seriously- think about it...girls at 10, 11, 12, 13 are getting their belly buttons pierced, having eating disorders because there is so much pressure to stay super thin because buying or going up a size in clothes is looked down on (and please keep in mind too that it's not how much you weigh, it's how healthy and fit you are- muscle weights more than fat!), these girls are having sex- getting abortions (and then if they go ahead to have the baby they are put on television and become infamous for it, as well as recieve checks for it as well- even though teen mom2 is one of my favorite shows now lol) but the list goes on...and I know even though I'm only 22, I remember being that age and my parents were so strict and I wasn't allowed to date or wear eyeliner until I was 16 and how thankful I am for that now. I know girls that age who are going through so much that they shouldn't be, who are worried about superficial things like their boyfriends and parties, instead of getting into a college or schoolwork. I just think that as a society we've put so much pressure on us girls to grow up fast and are such a sexual enviornment (and by that I mean by the skimpy clothes on the pre-teen racks, the dating at younger ages without the parents caring/stopping it, down to the music, commercials, and social media that has subconsciously put out pictures and ads of what we "should look like" and not to love each one of us as the way we are.. to me it's just really sad how different and how much faster things are now. When I watch shows like I love lucy and the way they dress in that era, how they talk, how they stand/walk, down to how the men treat women (opening up doors, pulling out chairs, always treating them with such respect and chivalry...that is just very miniscule in todays' society); it's just changed so much. People are creatures of their enviornment after all, and this is what we're compared to and critized against everyday, when most of it is unrealistic, unhealthy ways of thinking/living. Although this isn't a reason to blame self esteem on, I think it plays a huge part in each of our lives everyday.
This is my favorite quote to live by and I hope all of you remember it, after all no one can ever take your smile from you unless you let them :)
"Happy girls are the prettiest girls" Aubrey Hepburn

Feb 15, 2013

Brittany M.

This is so true just yesterday (valantines day) I saw three young girls prolly 14 or even 13 years old in tiny lil skin tight dresses (all of them where black dresses) and black lacy tights and bright heels so tall and the three girls where with only 2 guys and they looked at them as they where a sex toy (wich I know that look I've been treated like one and looked at like one all because no matter what type of shirt I wear my boobs are too huge to hide) and the girls thought they where looking sexy and the guys liked them I'm sorry to say this but the more slutty or more skin you show with outfits the more guys and even other girls will think wow what a hoe. and guys think "ima get laid" when in the end the girls are prolly going to get hurt and cry cuz they thought they did what they should do because of what society tells us they tell us in order to get the man you want and to be happy you must dress skanky and be thin.

let me tell you this what attracts the GOOD guys are your personality and self confidence and love for yourself there's a saying that my mom has always told me growing up after I put all my efforts into a relationship and give them everything and end up getting hurt she always said " you need to love and care for yourself first inorder for someone to love you" that is so true

I would also like to say a quote my grandma said to me once after breaking up with so many guys in my past and crying about it she said one thing that really clicked
"you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince" because relationships are all about finding what you want in a significant other and what you dont want you learn how to handle situations and all in all dating is about learning what you need in a man

I hope this long message helps a bit and remember everyone is beautiful in their own way and perfection is not beautiful just think of the woman who had the barbie dall look surgerys guys dont even want her because she is...fake

You're so right!

And if you think about it, a smile is something no one can ever take from you unless you let them- and everyone is unique and beautiful in every way, I'm so glad I'm having a daughter pretty soon so I can teach her to empower herself and not let other people put her down. I just hate the way were taught to think, with such rasist, sexist, judging minds you know?

and yes! if you don't love yourself, how is anyone else supposed to love you? And what are they supposed to love if you don't love that too?!

Feb 17, 2013

Brittany M.


and good luck on havin the baby girl my best friend is havin a boy hes due in late april early may I'm soo excited hes my first nephew so ima spoil the crap outa him =] lol

Feb 17, 2013

Brittany M.

Another thing I want to add is I downloaded the kindle app for my laptop since bookstores are closing cuz of the kindle and all anyways there's this book I purchased for only $9 or close to it I can't remember fersure but its a self help book on happiness and success its called "the road less traveled" by scott peck and so far I'm only a few pages in and its got me hooked and can't wait to read more on how to improve ways of thinking

Awww well thanks babe! I know I'm so excited to have a girl! She's going to be such a little diva I can't wait for her to be here. I'm due in early may too.Kinda crapy that no one ever told me that you're really pregnant for 10 months lol! I'm really lucky I got a girl, I really don't know what I would do if I had a boy. I know that my little girl is going to be such a little angel, and omg the outfits for little girls! It's crazy! They're so cute!!

And that's pretty awesome. I have a few self help type books, the one I have is managing your mind and it's so good it- there's so many things in there I never would think would be helpful or even apply to me!

And you know what else I wanted to add to self confidence is bullying. Now a days, everyone is so horrible to each other and it's gotten completely out of control. Especially cyber bullying, it's disgusting!! I really wish that everyone had to put their own name, picture, and age up on their page because it's just not fair how people are annonomously stalking and harassing people to the point of horrible things- especially the younger high school kids- it just makes me really sad.