How to make your own Gel Liner??


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Jan 27, 2013

Stephanie S.

I had no clue you could! I heard something about it on here, then looked it up on you tube. Anyone have any advice or know how and want to share? I could really use some!

Jan 27, 2013

Rebecca M.

Add water to eyeshadow and mix it and then you have it !

Jan 27, 2013

Rebecca M.

Or some people say to put vasoline in it too 

Jan 27, 2013

Alejandra D.

I havent tried it yet but it looks promising?

Jan 27, 2013

Tina V.

@Alejandra, I've used that trick since high school! its really helpful if you want a smoother and darker line that lasts on your eyes. :) 

Jan 27, 2013

Shrika E.

U can make it by using a black eyeshadow or any color you want your liner to be.Scrape it with a bobby pin and then take a scoop of vaseline.mix the shadow with may get really tricky but its necessary to mix it!then put the mixed product into a tiny jar or container and your gel liner is made!!

Jan 27, 2013

Stephanie S.

@Srika, what if its too thin? I heard something about microwaving it. Would that help?

Jan 27, 2013

Ave M.

I used to mix eyeshadow base and black eyeshadow together for liner. Works better than Vaseline.

Jan 27, 2013

Stephanie S.

Thanks everyone for all our feedback!

Jan 27, 2013

Stephanie S.
