Your perfect imperfection


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Jan 27, 2013

Ashley A.

I hope this post will give people that extra boost they need in life. As cliche-ish as it may sound everybody has their flaws, and we have to learn to embrace them.

So here it goes: Tell me 2 things you do not like about yourself but you have learned to embrace. And tell me 2 things your love about yourself.

my answer:
Im pretty short, but i have learned ignore it becuase i am only going to live this life once and if i worry about something i cannot fix why pay attention to it?oh and i hate my frizzy hair, but i use a ghd flat iron and that fixes the problem.
What i love about myself is that my eyebrows are nice and full, that way it only need a little bit of filling in. i also like how full my lips are, that way i do not have to apply plumper!!!! YOUR TURN

Jan 27, 2013

Lucy L.

I hate my acne and that I gain weight really easily so I have to constantly work out and watch what I eat. I love my eyes and my hair.

Jan 27, 2013

Sam B.

I really like that you're posting this! :)
1. I hate my frizzy hair, but my flat iron fixes the problem.
2. I hate how my skin was really nice and clear when I was younger and now its all red and blotchy, but my foundation can help that.
1. I love my hazel eyes.
2. I love my height, i don't really know why, i just like being short!

Jan 27, 2013

Magan R.

1. I really don't like my weight I'm what I like to call to damn skinny. And to cope I have talked to my dr about going to a weight specialist to figure out why I have trouble gaining weight.
2. My hair is to short for my liking but I am growing it back out even though i know it's going to take time and patience.
1. I love my eyes they change color from really green to dark brown depending on my mood kinda like a mood ring :)
2. I love being a mommy. My son is the joy in my life. :)

I gained the freshman 15, which turned into the sophomore 30. Haha which totally sucks and gave me stretch marks, wahhhhh :(

I have always felt I had a pretty face, at any weight... and I HAVE already lost 7 pounds since january 1 so i'm working on the other! I have an amazing boyfriend of 6 years that has always made me feel beautiful even if I was ashamed of the weight! So it all evens out! :)

Jan 27, 2013

Emily W.

Oh this is a refreshing change of pace. Here's mine:
- I used to hate my chubby cheeks (damn German and Cherokee heritage, lol) but now I know that they will keep me looking younger when I age.
- I also hated my blackish brown eyes, but not only does that mean I can wear any color eye shadow, but I can change them with contacts anyway. :)
- Kind of weird, but I love my shoe size (7.5-8 US). I never have problems finding cute shoes in my size like my friends with smaller or larger feet do.
- I also love my jaw line. It is very square, but I think it is one of the stronger features of my face and is kind of unique (may not be, but I feel like it is ;) ). 

Jan 27, 2013

Brittany O.

I dislike My hair ( is thinned out and growing back extremely slow and looks patchy in certain spots :( ) and I dislike that I have stretchmarks everywhere I look like a deformed tiger..

What I love about myself is I'm blessed with an actual hour glass body.. and my nose is cute. :D

Jan 27, 2013

Noelle M.

1)I'm not always the biggest fan of my teeth which is why I pretty much refrain from smiling in pictures so much (like cheesin it with teeth and all lol). I have big teeth, and my front two teeth aren't the same in length so one sits lower then the other when I do smile, its not something i find annoys anyone else but me lol

2) my feet have huge cracks in the heels, like HUGE. and I have my make a point everyday to pumice stone them, and keep them looking nice basically because i mostly only wear sandals.

I like my hair, aside from the fact its oily. I love my length and it's pretty without me having to do too much, I have naturally pin straight hair, and its awesome! lol

I like my nose! lol my dads side of the family tends to have a big ridge bump goin on and I got my moms side of the family nose, comparatively speaking I scored big! lol

Jan 27, 2013

Stephanie M.

1) i hate how i dont have confidence without my glasses- but i embrace it by trying to make my makeup look as best as it can and work WITH my glasses instead of against it.
2) i hate how my hair is currently two different colors because i'm growing out my hair and not dying it anymore, but i'm embracing it by remembering how healthy my hair will be again once its fully grown out!

1) i love my eye color! its not hazel, but its not green. i get compliments on my eyes all the time!
2) i love my nail beds!! sounds so weird but i have a weird thing where i like my nails very short, and even so, when my nails are manicured they look perfect to me!

Jan 27, 2013

Ashley A.

Wow i love this post! Keep em coming!

Jan 27, 2013

Melanie M.

1.) hate my under eyes they're way dark
2.) hate how flat chested I am

1.) love my eyes
2.)love my hair 

Jan 27, 2013

Isabelle B.

i hate that i am really short. and i hate that my legs are really short. but i love my hair, its really soft and thick. and my hair is naturally straight :)

Jan 27, 2013

Emily W.

Oh honey definitely learn to love being flat chested! Take it from someone who has big hooters, it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Jan 27, 2013

Julianne R.

1. I don't like my nose it's just weird.
2. I don't like

1. I love my ears.. Sounds weird but they are cute and little.
2. And I like my breasts even though they are on the small side they are cute and peppy. And I'm told they are perfect by many people.

Jan 27, 2013

Julianne R.

2. I don't like how easily I get depressed.
For some reason that didn't type last time.

Jan 27, 2013

Georgia L.

1. I dislike my wide feet.
2. I don't like my nose. I always get told its cute, i don't like how it curves up.

1. I like my hair, how it has natural blond high-lights

Jan 27, 2013

Georgia L.

*2. I sorta like my eyes.

Jan 27, 2013

Ana O.

I hate my nose and my face shape.
I love my nails and my body shape.

I hate my acne but I'm trying to get it under control :)
I'm also not a fan of my frizzy hair, it's just not sleek enough for my taste!
I love that I'm tall, even though it's super hard to find pants, I feel like almost all clothing styles look good on me and if I gain a few pounds it's really hard to tell!
I like that my hair has natural curl, it looks so pretty with just a little bit of curl cream on it!

Jan 27, 2013

Shrika E.

i dislike my curly hair but i learnt to love it bc there are so many women who die to have hair like mine:)
I also used to hate that i was curvy but i love my figure bc curvy is sexy:)
I love my eyebrows bc their really fully shaped and i got them frm my mom
I also love my smile bc lots if people say its the best part of my body<3

Jan 27, 2013

Emily W.

Mary Ellen I have the exact opposite problem: I am too short to find pants! I would love to be tall! Glad that you embrace it, I am super envious. Srika, I wish I had curly hair. You're right about people wanting it!

Jan 27, 2013

Rebecca S.

I don't like my huge pored, acne prone skin.
I hate the stretch marks I have from being overweight in my early teens.
I think my eyes are my best feature.
I like that I changed my body by changing my diet and exercise habits and have kept the healthy habits for years.

Jan 27, 2013

Serinda C.

Dislike- my eyebrows, I'm Asian so I have just straight down facing hairs but I can easily draw them in to make it look like I have some. Also, my binge eating but I don't care I love food and even tho I may not have the perfect body from it, my metabolism seems to keep up as best as It can. Haha.

Love- I actually like a lot of things about myself. My hair and nails, my smile, my booty, my artistic abilities and the fact that actually do love things about myself and don't let my insecurities get the best of me. :)

Jan 27, 2013

Bukky O.

I hate my hair. It seems like it has stopped growing. I hate my eyes I have a nice shape but my eyelid are puffy so I always look tires luckily I wear glasses which hide it.

I love my curves even though I am trying to lose weight. I love my smile I always get compliments about it

Jan 27, 2013

Meredith M.

i hate my nose and my frizzy hair!! but i just try to ignore my nose and straighteners and hair products help with the hair :) i really love my skin and how I rarely get any site and I also like my style =P