Why Do You Set Makeup?


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Jan 27, 2013

Jessa H.

I was just wondering why do you set makeup and what does it do? And also how do you set makeup? One extra thing is how do you prevent mascara creasing under your eyes? Okay thanks!

Jan 27, 2013

Holli K.

What do you mean by mascara creasing under your eyes?! 

Jan 27, 2013

Anjum C.

You can set face makeup and eye makeup. Let's start with eyes. You can set a cream eyeshadow with a powder eyeshadow to keep it from creasing and for it to last longer. For your face, you can set liquid foundation or concealer with powder to keep it more matte and to make it last longer. Basically, you just put powder on top of a cream product.

I assume that with the mascara thing, you just mean that it transfers under your eyes. First of all, using a powder under your eyes should help. Also using a primer is helpful. And especially, waterproof mascara should really help.