Eyebrow Tattooing, Is it worth it?


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Jan 27, 2013

Danni M.

Recently i've had 2 friends get their eyebrows tattooed. It's an alternative to never having to use eyebrow pencil, shadow etc again. One girl paid £325 for hers. I admit both girls end results were amazing. I have ordinary tattoos but not sure if eyebrow tattooing is worth it.
Would love to know your thoughts on this.

Love & Stuff, D x

Jan 27, 2013

Darienne D.

Well i honestly don't think it's worth it because when you first get it for the first few days your eyebrows bleed and get gross plus you have to get then done a few tunes over again

Jan 27, 2013

Marilyn C.

I got mine tattooed years ago and still don't need a retouch. I love my eyebrows now :) I still put a little eyeshadow on them when I do my makeup because I always end up getting foundation on them, maybe you have more skills, that won't be necessary. They look awesome, I will never regret it.

It wouldn't be worth it to me because if I get bored of what they look like then...

Jan 27, 2013

Ave M.

Eyebrow styles change too much. I wouldn't do it. I love tattoos and have lots but I wouldn't do my face.

Jan 27, 2013

Jen H.

I would never personally do this because it doesn't age well. I've had too many LOL (little old lady) patients with tattooed eyebrows, and it usually doesn't hold up well with the natural process of aging. Just my opinion. 

Jan 27, 2013

Robyn C.

Let Me Just Say When You Turn 40+ They're Gunna Be Saggy And Faded... 

Jan 27, 2013

Danni M.

Thanks ladies for all your opinions. I'm not thinking about getting them, was just looking for other people's thoughts on the topic as i'm thinking of writing an article on it as it seems to be a big trend in the UK at the moment. Thanks for your input so far.

Love & Stuff, D x

Jan 27, 2013

Anna V.

I dont recomend it. I agree with Jen & Robyn.. you also need to think about the future, of how its gonna look later. i would never do it.

Jan 27, 2013

Emma T.

Also you might not want your eyebrows to be always be the same! Maybe you'll want them thinner, with a different arch, different color, etc. 

Jan 27, 2013

Julie R.

I don't think they look right.. I would just stick to actual eyebrows. More natural..

Jan 27, 2013

Veganbeauty L.

I depends on why you're getting them. I think Megan Good looks okay with tattooed eyebrows, but apparently she doesn't have real eyebrows anymore.

Jan 27, 2013

Amanda R.

It's a long term commitment. That alone is a good enough reason to think twice. I've never really noticed tattooed on younger people. So maybe they just look perfect and fit in! I see it mostly on older women, when they're saggy and green. So maybe no bc of the aging..

Jan 27, 2013

Lauren G.

No it's not worth it

Jan 27, 2013

Alanta V.

I personally wouldn't get it, but my sister got and years ago and she didn't have to worry about doing them, buying the eyebrow products, and everything. 

Jan 27, 2013

Alanta V.

it years ago*

Jan 28, 2013

Nelsy M.

My aunt did that. It wore off, and she said it was too painful/expensive to do so she noe walks around with PURPLE eyebrows! Don't do it. 

Jan 28, 2013

Goldie G.

dont do it...eye brow styles are always changing...

Jan 28, 2013

Rian H.

My theatre teacher has them and she got old and now they look purple. Not really cute