How to prevent blackheads ??


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Feb 3, 2013

Sarah K.

How to prevent blackheads ??

Feb 3, 2013

Chantel C.

Yeah, I definitely agree with using some sort of toner. I wash my face bi-daily, but I stopped using a toner a few weeks ago. I recently noticed I had some blackheads (and I usually NEVER have blackheads!). :/ Biore Nose Strips are always good for getting rid of the blackheads, but prevention is key<3

Feb 4, 2013

Kathryn L.

The dreaded comedone. If you are prone to them, they will always be there. When the sebum in the pore becomes oxidized, it turns black. Therefore being noticeable. however you can reduce the appearance with I clay based mask, which will help to draw the impurities out of the skin. I find this to work quite well in my experience!