What are you stressed about?


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Feb 5, 2013

Pamela M.

So stressed that my hair is falling out a lot lately! 

Feb 5, 2013

Jes T.

Lots of things, high school drama, Sophomore year is stressful. And yesterday I learned my parents are splitting up. :( 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Oh my Pamela! Well chances are if you care that much you're probably studying up, right? Good luck!

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Aw Jes, I'm sorry. That's never fun, but sometimes it's for the best. My parents were a lot happier when they were fighting one another. 

Feb 5, 2013

Jacqui B.

Senior year. Never a moment to rest. Everything is crazy..

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

For sure, Jacqui, but savor it! You will definitely miss it. 

Feb 5, 2013

Maria H.

Devan, wow! I seriously know where you are coming from. I don't know if you read my reply post on my thread, but right now things are tense between the mother hen and I...she will do ANYTHING to keep her son here. She puts things in his head, and totally butts in, EVERYTHING!
I cannot stand the woman. She was lovely...at first...

Feb 5, 2013

Stacy G.

where do I begin. moved in with the bf, just the 2 of us and he expects me to do everything his mother done for him when he was living at home. Im a carer for people with intellectual disabilities so have to do sleepovers in work and make sure the work house is spotless and all the ladies needs are catered for. sometimes I could be in work a full weekend straight. (friday at 4 until 10 Monday morning). now id be pretty tired but when I get home instead of being greeted by my own clean house, theres dishes that have to be washed, the bins havent been emptied and both dogs still have to be walked. all I get off him is I was waiting for you to come home so we could do it but I always end up doin it on my own. and then this morning ( I have been in work since 4 yesterday and dont finish until 4 today) the bf was due in work at 8. I was up at 6.30 and at 7.30 I get a text off him at sayin he slept in and why didnt I ring him to wake him up. This coming from a 24 year old fella. im sorry now but ur a big boy and im not ur mother so grow a pair and stop wanting me to do everything. im stressed and tired when I finish work and just want to spend at least 1 day off relaxing, not scrubbing my own house. ........ rant over 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

@maria, I feel you. I did read your post. If it were me I would make it clear that him tricking you like that and not discussing his feelings was very wrong, and selfish. It may be hard to admit, buy if he is that self absorbed you may need time and distance for him to realize what he's risking. If he persists in not leaving, and in being cold and ride, go home. If he loves you he will miss you and either compromise or come back. If he doesn't beg you back than at least You won't be trapped in another country with HIS family. And make sire he knows its your idea. You're going home because he's being unreasonable. If he let's hos mother convonce him to let you go then he is more in a relationship with her than you and you deserve his devotion. That's my opinion anyway. 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

@Stacy, been living with mine for four years, I've been there, they haven't yet graduated to thean stage and we are not their mothers. that's really frustrating, I know. Once, I accidentally washed my bf's iPod. He said it was my fault for not checking his pocket. I was raised that you empty your own pocket when you get undressed. I told him I'm not your mother, you're lucky I was nice enough to be doing your laundry, you should have emptied your own pockets. I know you didn't ask for advice, but if it were me I would only wash or clean what I needed and leave him a note saying "there, did my half, now you don't have to wait for me ;)" and if that doesn't work put your foot down. some men just don't want to grow up. 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Lol Stacy, just saw this on FB. 

Feb 6, 2013

Tiffany M.

That I'm still not pregnant and I'm spending thousands each month on fertility treatments and the rock head on cops has 6 kids 

Feb 6, 2013

Coco L.

I feel you Tiffanny. I had a miscarriage while this other person I know had two oops pregnancies. I started seeing a gyno and I found out that I have a uterine fibroid. And she thumbed her nose at that, too (it's the same person who accused me of not having insomnia). Ugh. 

Feb 6, 2013

Mette B.


Feb 6, 2013

Devan V.

Tiffany, that's tough, but you already know that, I couldn't imagine what you're going through and I hope with all of my heart you fond a solution. Coco... If we didn't have annoying people the awesome people wouldn't look so cool in comparison, mette, I've been there!! 

Feb 6, 2013

Maria H.

@Devan Definitely...well said! It's those sort of things that are difficult to admit and realize, but it's the truth...and it's not fair that I am willing to stay for him and suck it up, yet when I ask him what if I can't cope with living here, he pretty much says, "oh well, you're going to have to go back alone"
It's like really? He'd rather stay here without me than be with me at all?
That's not a man...

Feb 6, 2013

Devan V.

I'm surprised you could decipher all the auto correct mistakes. lol. good luck!

Feb 6, 2013

Maria H.

Lol, I'm used it. Yet they call them "smart" phones, lol.
Thank you!

Feb 6, 2013

Tiffany M.

Yeah "oops I'm knocked up again" I can't afford the children I have now but what the hell...
Soooo frustrating!!!! When ppl like my husband and I are mature, loving, and financially stable...want nothing more than to start a family and can't 

Feb 6, 2013

Luna M.

Valentine's Day. The question like always, "Will I still be single?"

Feb 6, 2013

Devan V.

I know what you mean tiffany, I think you will find a way. if not the most ideal way, a way. @luna I'm not and I know that Valentine's day will pass with bare acknowledgement. I might get a happy v day babe. the end. :/

Feb 6, 2013

Tiffany M.

When I was single on valentines day...me and my single friends would go out to dinner and go to a club it was fun...now I'm an old married lady and all valentines day is is an excuse to wear slutty lingerie lol 

Feb 6, 2013

Luna M.

What also stresses me out is my motto is, "Go bold or go unremembered." I hate it when people hate on me for my bold outfit, accessories, and makeup choices.

Feb 6, 2013

Devan V.

they're just too afraid to make bold decisions themselves. 

Feb 6, 2013

Luna M.

@Tiffany I just realized the other day that all girls are destined to be one of two. A slut or fat.