What are you stressed about?


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Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Some may make the argument that this isn't beauty related, but cutting down on stress has a lot to do with being healthy and beautiful. So let's vent, what are you stressed about?

Feb 5, 2013

Natalie T.

I'm always stressed about school, even when I shouldn't be! I find that organizing (one of my favorite activities) and NOT procrastinating really help me avoid an overwhelming amount of stress which is great!

Feb 5, 2013

Andrea B.

God where do I start haha! I'm mainly stressed at the moment as I've recently relocated to London from a quiet village around 300 miles away. It's stressful being away from everything I knew and all friends and family. What are you stressed about? :-)

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

I'm stressed about the fact that for four years I have been forced to lived with my boyfriends parents, and I can't stand them!!!! We have a child together, and I love him. I don't want to break up our family, but I can't live in the same house as his anymore. I can't do it I can't do it, I can't. And he promises me we are going to move out. Next check, next check... When we get taxes. Well he had his mother do his taxes and SHE says we aren't getting back enough to move out. convenient, considering she flips the hell out when we talk about moving. I begged him to have hos taxes done by someone who knows what they are doing. We don't even have a real kitchen! I use a toaster oven to cook for my family. And he keeps telling me it's going to happen, but somehow we never have the money. He isn't going to fond a better job around here. And he is never going to leave his mothers house... I just don't know what to do. I want my own place, with a real kitchen, where I can raise my child without being pecked at by mother hen who thinks, and I quote "children don't understand what no means. just distract him" he's almost two. I'm losing my mind. 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

It's good you're able to deal with it Natalie, and maybe it will turn out to be a good thing Andrea! 

Feb 5, 2013

Andrea B.

I'd say arrange a bunch of house viewings and tell him straight, that you're going. He'll soon realise you're fully serious!

Feb 5, 2013

Andrea B.

Hopefully it's a good thing, it's just strange being away from everything. 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

That's a good idea. I'm going to have to call some places and tell him we are going. But I'm sure he will find a reason we can't afford it this month. :/

Feb 5, 2013

Andrea B.

Maybe find somewhere you could afford yourself just in case he does say something like that. It does sound like a stressful time for you and there's nothing worse than feeling stressed!

Feb 5, 2013

Natalie T.

Yes, I agree with Andrea. I normally wouldn't rely on ultimatums, but I think its about time for you to do so. You have to show him and his mother that you are serious about moving out because you are so unhappy with the situation. That is definitely stressful, I'm sorry Devan, good luck!

Andrea, your situation is stressful as well =/ I moved to London for a short while when I was 15 or 16... all by myself (from New York). I was attending art school for some of the time and had a really friendly people in my apartment building, so it made the transition a lot easier for me. If you have a job or schooling, you should be able to make some friends quite quickly, but it definitely takes getting used to when you're all alone without those things to help meeting people. Good luck!

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Thanks ladies! I'm sure you will find your niche soon Andrea! And that's awesome Natalie, don't know what I would have done at sixteen! that's scary!

Feb 5, 2013

Andrea B.

Fingers crossed for the both of you ladies :) keep strong and nothing will defeat you <3

Feb 5, 2013

Coco L.

I have anxiety so I stress a lot (sorry I'm not too comfortable going into specifics...but it's pretty bad). When I worry I get heart arrhythmia, most people with anxiety get heart palpitation (increased heart rate, blood pressure) but I get irregular heart beats, it is most uncomfortable to tell the least. When I worry I also get bad insomnia, I've gone a week without sleep (almost two weeks) before. I could have collapsed any second. To say that I felt like a zombie is an understatement. What bugs me about some people is their disregard for your suffering like I had an acquaintance tell me "I don't think you have insomnia." I found her comment so ignorant and offensive. Illnesses whether mental or physical are not always visible from the outside. I urge everyone to be understanding, sympathetic and to reserve their judgement. Music helps a ton with my anxiety and relaxation it's like a mute button, it blocks out the outside noises and fears in my mind. 

Feb 5, 2013

Andrea B.

I suffer from anxiety, I'm terrible in small places or places I don't know (god knows why I've moved to London!) it took me a good 3 weeks to leave my house to just go to the shop! Travelling around in my car is hard too, one wrong turn and you're on another busy motorway. I've had a panic attack on one before and luckily my boyfriend came to the rescue. I'm adjusting more and more each day but it definitely hasn't been easy, I've had to fully step out of my comfort zone which included a lot of sweating, shaking and increased heart rate. I definitely agree that music helps! I talk myself down out of anxiety attacks now, tell myself I'm being silly and I can do this - it sounds laughable really but it actually works! I'm studying mental health at the minute so I definitely agree with speaking out about it.

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

I'm not sure if it's anxiety. Honestly, I'm not sure what it is, but it's very frustrating, I can't sleep at night. Not because I'm not tired, I'm exhausted. And I dont think I have insomnia. I'm just terrified. It frustrates me because it makes me feel like a child. I'm terrified that if I turn my back to the closet, if I'm not looking at it then something will be looking at me. Nothing specific, just something. the same with open windows and mirrors. only at night. some days I don't sleep until the sun comes up. Sometimes when I fall asleep without meaning to I wake up and 'see' things floating out of the closet toward me. spiders, or people. those are probably hallucinations from sleep deprivation but they are terrifying. A grown woman should be able to sleep in a room alone. I can't. I have to have someone with me, and even then it's not easy. I'll never be able to live on my own. And I can't let my son (18 mo) sleep in his crib because I'm terrified something is going to 'get' him. I hate it. I feel like a scared child. 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

coco, that sounds dangerous! Andrea, it's awesome you're trying to overcome it. :)

Feb 5, 2013

Coco L.

My insomnia isn't as bad now but I hate relying on prescription meds cuz anxyolitics and hypnotics have side effects and bad withdrawal and so on. I don't want to mess with my brain anymore than I have to!!! Devan, I'm no doctor but it sounds like generalized anxiety, I can relate to many of the things you experience. I feel you and I'm sending good thoughts and energy your way. 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Thanks coco. :) 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Awww thank you! I really hope so. We are scraping to get me a car so I can get a job. He works very far away, we can't share a vehicle. And his mother drives me nuts. She honestly once suggested we plastic the windows in case of a nuclear explosion. 'cause yeah, that's going to save you. 

Feb 5, 2013

Felicia R.

Devan, wow that sounds stress ful I think you need to sit down with ur boyfriend and tell him how u feel and that u just can't take it anymore and he shod have some one else with his taxes and I hope everything works out I feel for you. 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

thanks Felicia, what are you stressed about?

Feb 5, 2013

Jes T.

Devan, I hope things get better for you, that sounds tough <3 :(

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

thanks jes, what are Ypu steward about?

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

*you *stressed 

Feb 5, 2013

Pamela M.

Stressed about my nursing board exam!!!