Need to get rid of my Dirty Pink hair...


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Feb 5, 2013

Natsu I.

I have a thick & originally black hair. (Asian)
I decided to bleach the bottom layer of my hair till it was platinum blonde and add a hot pink to it. it came out very pretty & bright.
but the thing is that it has been almost about half a year ever since I dyed hair pink and now its like a dirty pink/ orange color. my hairstylist bleached my hair but that still did not work. hpw can I get rid of my pink without cutting them off?

Feb 5, 2013

Cathy K.

head and shoulder kicks every hair colours @ss 

Feb 5, 2013

Devan V.

Or baby shampoo. 

Feb 5, 2013

Amber M.

U can mix vitamin c tablets and dandruff shampoo u leave the mixture in ur hair for 30 minutes and then wash it out. There is a video on YouTube showing u how this works, look it up... It worked for me!