How Can I Thicken My Hair!


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Feb 4, 2013

Gab D.

Thin long hair like straw

Princessbeauty P.

Feb 4, 2013

Princessbeauty P.

you can try extensions :)

Feb 4, 2013

Cheyenne C.

A good oil can help thicken your hair. Olive oil or coconut oil could help.

Feb 4, 2013

Erica H.

Get layers:)

Feb 4, 2013

Amy T.

Biotin! It won't thicken your hair until the new growth comes through, but it's a great long-term solution! It's a water solvable vitamin tablet that promotes thick and healthy hair! I'm taking 5000 mcg daily at the moment, but in two months when it runs out I will drop to 2500 mcg per day. 

you know,
I don't like my thick hair,
its not that thick, but its thicl enought that it gets all poofy when I get out pf the shower,
I don't think there a method to thicken your hair, unless you try doing that stupid thing with your hair and brush......I forget what its called........but dont do it, it gets your hair tangled and doesnt work well