No 'Pooing Method? Tips?


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Feb 3, 2013

Ansley M.

Does anyone No 'Poo? I've just recently started and could use some tips? Does anyone have tips, pros, cons, your mix? And where could I get scented essential oils. Anything is appreciated (:

Feb 3, 2013

Kara S.

I use a botanical conditioner, meaning that most ingredients are plant based. Its sulfate, paraben, and alcohol free. In order to "wash" my hair, I mix some conditioner with brown sugar and scrub my scalp, then rinse it clean. You will love you hair after you do this. It won't be dry and it'll smell great, faintly sweet even. Also, you could try No Poo by DevaCurl. Its salon quality stuff, so its expensive, but its great.

Feb 4, 2013

Ansley M.


Mountain Rose herbs has essential oils. Also local natural food stores may have them. Like Whole Foods or Akins. I've used essential oil to make my own dry shampoo. A little goes a long way.

Feb 5, 2013

Brianna L.

Try going silicone free! It helps a lot with no 'pooing. 

Feb 5, 2013

Perla G.

What is no pooing? 

Feb 5, 2013

Pamela F.

amen perla.i thought it was something COMPLETLY different lol

Feb 5, 2013

Robin P.

What does that mean? 

Feb 5, 2013

Nicole V.

Every few days I do a baking soda scrub with an apple cider vinegar rinse. My hair loves it because I have low-porosity hair and the baking soda lifts the cuticle so moisture can get in. 

Feb 5, 2013

Nicole V.

And for anyone confused: no-poo means getting rid of shampoo. Some people use sulfate-free shampoos while other people skip them all together.