How to curl hair with no heat..?


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Feb 3, 2013

Emma T.

I know that there are a lot of YouTube videos about how to curl your hair without heat but my hair is really thick so just sticking it up with a Bobby pin won't stay at it's place... Sometimes it works and I can make these little curls who are more flows than real curls.. but it only stays for like 30 minutes.. Any products suggested so the curls will stay?

Feb 3, 2013

Amanda H.

Wash your hair and put some gel in it, wear rollers over night and hairspray in the morning

Feb 3, 2013

Kathleen R.

Michelle Phan has a great no-heat curling hair tutorial that uses paper bags! You can also use a headband and wrap your hair section by section around the headband!

Feb 3, 2013

Sharde S.

Use a good curling gel or mousse, braid your hair in several sections and braid them up(cornrow at the top). Let it dry over night, and unbraid in the morning.

Feb 4, 2013

Åudrey M.

Look up curling your hair with socks and youre good to go. i actually tried it. you slightly wet your hair, spray lightly, roll strands upward starting at the ends and then you tie a knot. you'll see what i mean

Feb 4, 2013

Sarah C.

Macbarbie has a tutorial on it. In it, she uses Frizz Ease Curling Enhancer.