Help!?! allergic reaction.


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Feb 8, 2013

Brittaknee C.

I'm really tired of trying different drugstore cleansers and finding that my skin is too sensitive and it swells and it turns red and I can't even touch my face right now it hurts I'm looking for a really good cleanser that won't irritate my face. Not a makeup remover but a cleanser I've tried literally every single drugstore brand you see in Walmart or CVS.

Feb 8, 2013

Rose H.

Noxzema? Hav u tried it

Feb 8, 2013

Rose H.

They have a face mask one that works well but put lotion on b4

Feb 8, 2013

Kelly M.

If your face is reacting to drugstore products, try some high end ones! Clinique has a few different cleansers and moisturizers... All very good! However, you can't find a cleansers that works for, try going to a dermatologists. They can give you some recommendations :)

Feb 8, 2013

Brittaknee C.

rose -I have tried noxzema after a while it was starting to burn

kelly-are dermatologist expensive? 

Feb 8, 2013

Lauren M.

I have extremely sensitive skin, and I've been using Aveeno's foaming facial cleanser, and it is honestly so gentle and wonderful. Aveeno seems to have less harsh ingredients than the ones I've tried from Neutrogena or Clean & Clear, however I could be wrong. I'd recommend going to a dermatologist. Putting yourself through the pain of an allergic reaction is not something you should have to deal with. A dermatologist is the best person to ask. Good luck!

Feb 8, 2013

Tanya M.

Try Purity bt Philosopher

Feb 8, 2013

Stephanie D.

Pull out the ingredients lists of ALL the products that your skin has had a reaction to.

Write down every ingredient they have in common.

Buy something that does NOT contain that ingredient (or those ingredients if they have more than one item in common). 

Feb 8, 2013

Brittaknee C.

Thank you so much

Feb 8, 2013

Maura P.

have you tried the "yes to" I love it 

Feb 8, 2013

Emily W.

Cetaphil is generally recommended for sensitive skin. It is hypoallergenic and fragrance free, so it might be worth trying. Definitely see a dermatologist though to find out what's going on to cause the sensitivity.

Feb 8, 2013

Emily W.

Oh and the cost of a dermatology appointment may be covered by your health insurance, call your provider and ask. Some insurances require a referral from a family doctor before you can see a specialist (generally HMOs require this). Although, if you live outside of the USA this could all be completely different.

Feb 8, 2013

Sarah J.

Simple facewipes are really good.

Feb 9, 2013

Brittaknee C.

I live in the us. I just never had to go to a dermatologists because I never had acne just irritated skin
thanks everyone I definitely have to try these products out

Feb 9, 2013

Leah F.

I use Bellaboo, it's marketed towards teenagers but it's organic and natural and I have super sensitive skin and it's not bothered by it at all. I love the stuff

Feb 9, 2013

Chantal D.

Try oil cleansing

Feb 9, 2013

Brittaknee C.

Thanks everyone going to see a dernatologist soon.

Feb 9, 2013

Mary N.

Try Cetaphil, I had similar problems and it seriously changed my life. I've been using it for about 4 years now! Love❤

Feb 10, 2013

Maya F.

I use cetaphil

Feb 10, 2013

Molly M.

Seriously you will save a TON of money and they are great for the planet. There are lots of recipes out there involving sugars, salts, and different types of hydrating oils.

Feb 13, 2013

Emily W.

If you do the homemade route, make sure you test ingredients VERY carefully. Some recipes call for cinnamon (which can be VERY irritating) or certain essential oils (which can cause reactions in some people). Do a test patch first before slathering something all over your face--really that's advice that applies to pretty much everything, not just homemade products.

Feb 13, 2013

Aimee I.

Yeah aveeno is probably your best bet and if that doesn't work then yes go see a dermatologist asap.

Feb 14, 2013

Christina D.

Cerave hydrating cleanser
Organic Mychelle pumpkin cream cleanser

Feb 14, 2013

Brandy S.

I have very sensitive skin also and had the same issue as you, I went to MAC after trying all the drug store stuff and I love there cream wash it's amazing. Cost round $20 but last a long time well worth the money.

Feb 17, 2013

Brittaknee C.

thank you everyone :)