Tips on Modeling!


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Feb 8, 2013

Maddy S.

Hey all!
So in my last question I said tips on modeling also! But I also said I got a letter in the mail and you all said it was a scam! Well I don't need to know that I'd really just like some tips! I've been looking for some modeling jobs around my town and when this came up I just couldn't pass it up! So if u have any experience, please share!

Feb 8, 2013

Allison W.

Be prepared to change, and not have a problem with it. Some agencies can be really blunt and full out say youre not good enough, this is how you need to look. You need to not be camera shy at all, and learn quick what they want and look for. You gotta have a thick skin, be able to tolerate alot without it affecting you or showing that it affects you. 

Feb 8, 2013

Allison W.

Thats all I can think of for now. Lol.

Feb 8, 2013

Natalie T.

I have no personal experience modeling, but I have a lot of experience working with models in everything from live drawing in art school to dressing them and shooting them for fashion shoots/shows and everything in between.

DO RESEARCH. Look at every fashion magazine, advertisement, editorial shoot, etc and look at dynamic posing! There is nothing worse than a model who is plain old awkward or even worse-boring. Look at trends in poses and where they are appropriate. Look at the brands, products, companies, feelings of shoots that you see similar poses in and compare and contrast them.

learn your angles, learn what is desirable and where/when it is, always practice, and be able to take direction.  

Feb 8, 2013

Maddy S.

Thanks so much

Feb 8, 2013

Natalie T.

good luck!

Feb 8, 2013

Shelley W.

My son, who just turned 11, is model and commercial actor out in Los Angeles and the most important thing is being able to handle rejection. When he first started out at 2 years old everyone was sweet about it. Once he grew up casting directors turned blunt. We've heard everything from...."Oh, he's not ethnic enough" to "He's too dark." Thank goodness he has the frame of mind to not take it personally. Another thing is that you do not need to pay an agency for pictures. When our son was signed the agency hooked us up with a photographer to get a simple tear sheet done. Once he had a book of verifiable work we were then able to present that instead at go see's. So if an agency ask for money out the door. I could go on and on but this thread would be a book. :) Good luck.