What Should New Beginners Like Me Put Make Up On?


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Feb 9, 2013

Heidi V.

Watching all you lovely ladies on her with really pretty nails/hair/ fashion & other makes me left out, I love playing with color but I'm afraid to look like a monster, please help me out ladies! Please & thanks you 😊

Feb 9, 2013

Kim S.

Just look online for lots of ideas that you like. Tutorials and stuff. When I was younger I used to copy celebrities makeup and that's how I learnt. Just spend some time on your makeup for the sake of putting it on. You don't need to be going anywhere. Do it in the evening, just to practice, that's what I did. I still often put it in just to sit around the house cos I enjoy it so much. Most importantly though, don't worry about what you SHOULD wear, wear what makeup you WANT to wear :) x