Eyeliner perceived untrustworthy?


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Feb 8, 2013

Tealy A.

I read a article that said if you wear too much eyeliner you are perceived as being untrustworthy, but it also said if you wear a little makeup you are perceived as being confident and happy. What do you ladies think about this?

Feb 8, 2013

Linnea G.

Psh, just because you wear a lot of eyeliner doesn't mean you are untrustworthy! That's some real shit.

Feb 8, 2013

Coco L.

I say b. s. Makeup doesn't dictate what kind of person you are on the inside or should you judge a book by its cover.

Feb 8, 2013

Brittany A.

I say do whatever you want and makes you feel confident and all. You know what you really are, don't let what someone says change that. And if someone wants to judge you off your makeup that is their problem and they aren't worth having any type of relationship, friends or more.

Feb 8, 2013

Ave M.

Very true. Doesn't mean you ARE untrustworthy. It just means that you are more likely to be perceived as untrustworthy.

When I wore crazy clothes and makeup in highschool I'd get dirty looks from tons of people. Even today if my tattoo sleeves are showing I get treated differently.

Feb 8, 2013

Ave M.

The fact is, people judge. Employers, relatives, strangers, friends, everyone.

Feb 8, 2013

Chloe-jade B.

The only reason I dont wear much makeup is because I'm scared of what people will say. I'm not confident!

Feb 8, 2013

Erica L.

Who published this article?! I can't wait to write to their editor.

Feb 8, 2013

Tiffany M.

Wtf chuck?!? Please give us a link to this article I cannot find it anywhere


Feb 8, 2013

Maura P.

I know what she means I once read a thing about your favorite color idk why but sometimes on lib app they ask what is your favorite color supoosely if you like red your catty blue is suppose to clam and I saw another about hair color... its sad that we live in a world were we get judged by something as simple as your favorite color or hair color or if you have tattoos:(

Feb 8, 2013

Brittany A.

I agree Maura, it is very sad. I highly dislike those kind of articles.

Feb 21, 2013

Tealy A.

Sorry I was so late but Tiffany M. Here's the link http://m.shape.com/entry/view/I'd/21516/I/1/p/0/?KSID=189518485344ebe279e9a4d7ec516977.

Feb 22, 2013

Alli W.

I'll bet the article was written by a man, and men think women who wear too much makeup aren't trustworthy. For what it's worth, no article is going to make me put down my liquid liner.  Ever.

Feb 22, 2013

Shelley W.

I agree with Alli W!! Just some utter nonsense to incite fear and mistrust. Garbage I say.