I have bags really bad, help!


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Feb 9, 2013

Marrissa B.

What is a good product or DIY formula to get rid of brown bags under your eyes?

Feb 9, 2013

Chantal D.

No Idea google it. Concealer

Wet, cool tea bags, cucumber slices, a cold spoon, ice packs or cold wash cloths are quick fixes.

Feb 9, 2013

Dayshia C.

Use a Concealer cream.

Feb 9, 2013

Ashley L.

Make sure you always wash your face when you wake up, and apply moisturizing lotion. The bags are fluids that you eyes release over night and the better sleep you get the less they'll be there. In the morning wash your face and use lotion on the bags. Massage around the area and lightly pat the base (this is supposed to help the fluid drain). Hope this works for you!!