how can I have my waves stay?


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Feb 7, 2013

Jackiie G.

my hair is naturally super wavy, && I want to learn how to have them stay through out the day, but the thing is I have workouts in the morning, & I jsst have to have my hair up, but at times I want to have it down, but can't seem to fix it the right way.

Feb 7, 2013

Meghan M.

Hairspray! Or curl boosting mousse.

Feb 7, 2013

Jackiie G.

ook thnks, I'll try both(: 

Feb 7, 2013

Tiffany D.

for a natural look try adding a leave in conditioner in your hair adding more will lock in the waves 

Feb 8, 2013

Jackiie G.

by adding the leave you mean mixing it with the conditioner, or...?

Leave in conditioner is a kind of product :P the only things I can think of would be to use a defuser nozzle on your hair dryer and to use curl/volume boosting products such as tigi totally baked. X