Best Way To Mature A Babyface?


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Feb 5, 2013

Elle L.

I have really chubby cheeks and generally look far younger than my age I'm 15 nearly 16 but look around 12. Is there any makeup tips to maybe not look too young?

Feb 5, 2013

Maggie M.

Well..I'd say a heavy contouring and a smokey eye but I think that's a bit much even at 16 :/ I'm sure just mascara and a lip butter would add a few years :) You'll appreciate a youthful face when you're older! 

Feb 5, 2013

Zuby P.

do ur brows in shape add kohl to ur eyes and never keep fringes thats will give u more kiddish face
it depends on ur personality hw u carry it in public....

Feb 5, 2013

Rebecca S.

The good news is you will probably still look a little younger when you are a lot older. Can completely understand that you hate it now

Feb 5, 2013

Rebecca S.

worked that way for some of my relatives anyway...... Maybe it's not true for everyone

Feb 5, 2013

Hilary C.

I'm 26 and look 16. I usually go for light eye makeup (Mac shroom shadow, black liner, mascara) and a bold lip (Mac cyber, nars train bleu). I hated looking younger when everyone looked "cool and mature" but now that everyone my age is fat and wrinkled I've accepted my baby face.

Feb 5, 2013

Amber M.

I think faces w full cheeks are beautiful, embrace what u have! 

Feb 5, 2013

Bianca O.

I had the same issue now I'm 21 and people say I'm 17 lol it sucks sometimes like when I go out but hun we will look 30 when where 40 something. :-) so be happy lol