What Are Some Inexpensive Perfume?


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Feb 7, 2013

Stephanie E.

What's a good smelling perfume that's not too expensive like under 50 bucks ?

Feb 7, 2013

Stephanie W.

lipsy London smells soooo good x

Feb 7, 2013

Elaine M.

Rebel fluer rhianna and Kim kardashian

Feb 7, 2013

Annie Q.

rush beyonce

Feb 7, 2013

Annie Q.

rush beyonce

Feb 7, 2013

Sarah M.

The Britney Spears perfumes smell really nice & last for ages!

Feb 7, 2013

Caitlin M.

Philosophy's Amazing Grace is $44. I think their other scents would be about the same but I'm not sure. Thats the only one I've looked at myself. And Pacifica have a whole range of very yummy smelling fragrances for $22. My favorite is the Tuscan Blood Orange but they have others like lemon blossom, vanilla, coconut, lilac, etc. They sell some of their line at Sephora but sometimes they only have a few scents on hand so I'd check their website: pacificaperfume.com.

And I also think Kate Spade's "Boyfriend" perfume is $35. When you're shopping make sure to check the sizes because its usually less for a smaller size bottle. Sometimes the smallest is $50 but sometimes they go under that. It just depends on the brand. But its something to keep in mind while shopping around

Feb 8, 2013

Amber K.

Bath and body works!