Tattoos. Meaningful or just because I can?


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Feb 6, 2013

Karissa J.

Tattooing has been practiced for centuries. Depicting great times in ones life from coming of age to marriage. Nowadays, people can get tattooed because they "feel like it." Which turns into a regret later.

Of course with today you can get a tattoo almost anywhere. Which can mean painful infections if the equipment is not sanitary or neglecting to take care of your fresh art properly {there IS special cream for it}.

So, community, thoughts on this practice?

Feb 6, 2013

Melissa A.

Exactly.. When I turned 18 I got two stupid tattoos because I Could ! Then I spent over 5,000 ,2 years and painful laser burns being removed!! There is nothing like a beautiful ink less body

Feb 6, 2013

Ruby H.

i think if you think it well thru and see what the image really means to u, if its for shock value then no!:) but mostly little tattoos are beautiful :) 

Feb 6, 2013

Lauren M.

if it's meaningful to you and you spent a good amount of time thinking about it then.
my first tattoo I got on my 19th birthday I didn't get it at 18 because I wanted to make sure. 7 Years later (wow it's been that long) and I still love it. my next one I've spent 3 years working on.

Tattoos are beautiful whether they're big or small. I prefer tattoos with meaning behind them but that's just a personal preference. I got my first tattoo when I was 16, my second when I was 16 and my third when I was 17. I have a full chest piece, a side piece and a small one on my wrist. I'm 18 now and don't regret them at all, I wouldn't change anything about them, if anything I want to add to them and continue to get more. A lot of people told me that I will regret my ink because I was so young when I got my first, but I spent 2 years deciding o n what to get. I think it's a beautiful practice that gets far too much negativity. Our bodies are canvases why not decorate them. 

Feb 7, 2013

Cassandra R.

I enjoy having my "meaning less" tattoos, since of course the last thing on my mind while getting them were thee opinion of others. I carry my tattoos with pride, I love having my own art on my body!

Feb 7, 2013

Devan V.

I have a tattoo on my thigh, it's a ring of stars with my son's name on a big one in the middle. Because of his name it has meaning to me, but I would still have gotten it if he had never been born. I think that a lot of people do get tattoos to mark important moments in their life, but there is nothing wrong with getting one just because you appreciate the beauty of the image, so long as it is nicely done. You don't -usually- attach deep meaning when buying a nice dress. If we'll chosen, a tattoo can be appreciated similarly (in my opinion) because it looks nice, and you like the way it looks on you. 

Karissa J.

Huguenot, New York