Olive Oil Help Eye Lashes Grow?


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Jan 30, 2013

Jassie C.

Someone told me tht if I put olive oil on my eyelashes they will grow longer and thicker , I don't want to try this if I know it's not gunnaa work thou cause I think I'd get it in my eye and that would hurt xD kthaanksloveys!

Jan 30, 2013

Camila F.

i dont know... i dont think so

Jan 30, 2013

Camila F.

i dont know... i dont think so

Jan 30, 2013

Sarah W.

Ive put lucas pawpaw balm (not in chap stick form) on mine a couple of times and they did look longer but i dont think its worth while doing everyday

Jan 30, 2013

Danielle S.

I have heard that castor oil helps your lashes. Read up on it. Look and see what kind of vitamins might help too. That way you might not have to worry about putting oil on your face at all.

Jan 30, 2013

Victoria S.

Vaseline works REALLY well for eyelashes

Jan 30, 2013

Tyler B.

I doudt it, nothing can make your eyelashes grow