should I shave my back hair???


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Jan 31, 2013

Melissa C.

on my back it is really hairy and I am not sure if I should shave my back because I am not sure if it will make it worse. What should I do??

Jan 31, 2013

Kaysey L.

If you're going to remove the hair at all, I would definitely wax it instead of shaving. Shaving causes hair to grow in bluntly so it will create stubble much like when you shave your legs. If you're willing to commit to it, I would go for it. Before you do, though, really take a look and see if it's really necessary. Everyone has hair on their back, it just varies from person to person how dark or thick it is.

Jan 31, 2013

Nvart D.

Wax it. Do not shave. It will grow back thicker and darker