D.I.Y care!!!! everything is accepted!


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Jan 30, 2013

Alessandra M.

Girls, if you know some DIY at home stuff for hair, skin care and other stuff, WRITE THAT DOWN!!! Thank you girls! Everything is accepted! :*

Jan 30, 2013

Katelynn D.

Aloe Vera!! Seriously I should get a stipend for repping the stuff but it's just that awesome. Wether you use the plant, or the gel it does wonders for skin. I like to use it as a moisturizer. Think this: you use aloe Vera on burns because it calms the skin, and heals faster right?? Why not want that all the time..? Skin is constantly battling aging, damage, pollution etc etc. They make aloe Vera teas and lotions too, but don't accidentally use your aloe Vera lotion on a burn!

For damaged hair: warm olive oil (or you can buy cholesterol treatments), mayonnaise (put on unwashed hair, put plastic around it for 20-30 mins, wash hair thoroughly TWICE with a gel shampoo & warm water, condition.)

Teeth: put an orange slice in your water when you eat (lemon will work and is yummy but can cause enamel damage if used too often), and crest professional whitening enamel repair is magical.

Face: there are so many at home face masks you can do! Depending on your skin type you can seriously open your cupboard and whip up some.

Nails: when you're going to do your own mani or pedi, do the work on your nails the day before, often you will see things you missed and it's good for your nailbeds to heal a bit. You can use a cotton swab dipped in olive oil for cuticles.

So that's a few of my biggest DIY suggestions. Good luck! Look forward to other ideas.