What Is Your Daily Beauty Struggle?


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Jan 24, 2013

Judy C.

I think my skin did peel a little, as with any treatment your skin needs to exfoliate/peel and dry out a little to get rid of the acne especially me since mine is mostly cystic deep under the skin but thats only in the beginning and it isnt anything TOO severe like getting a chemical peel or anything like that. I dont think the peeling was so bad to where cream couldnt fix it but just know that if you want to get rid of your acne your skin has to peel even if its just a little. washing with a soft wash cloth helps get that peely dead skin off so you dont look so dry and flaky and get a light moisturizer with spf because your skin is going to be sensitive as the treatment is working at its hardest.

Jan 24, 2013

Victoria T.

Eyebrows. Im a perfectionist, and some days it will take me over 20 minutes to fill them in and sculpt them. Its so frustrating. yes i know eyebrows and 'sisters' not twins but i cant help it. UGH!

Jan 24, 2013

Ashley A.

My hair is sooo hard to work with. Its supper curly and frizzy 

Jan 24, 2013

Ashley A.

Oh i also have uneven skin color!!! And acne, and blackheads, and ugly hairline, sideburns, dimple in my chin when i smile, wrinkly bags under eye. Hairy eyebrows, yellow teeth, the list goes on

Jan 24, 2013

Amanda R.

My skin :(

Jan 24, 2013

Shanay N.

Acne and hair frizz

Jan 24, 2013

Debbye J.

my daily struggle would be cakeyness from my concealer. it plays a big role in my makeup routine especially my brows. it may not so bad but i could still see it. ugh! i hate it whether its just a little cakey or not.

Jan 24, 2013

Judy C.

@ashley a. I struggle with almost the exact same things too but seeing from what people are saying on here we all struggle with almost the same things so don't be too hard on yourself! Perfection doesn't exist and we always magnify all our little flaws

Jan 24, 2013

Nikkie F.

I too got hit with adult acne after being he girl in high school who never had a bump. there is a regimine on acne.org that is inexpensive and works.  

Jan 24, 2013

Elisa S.

Wow lots of you have acne! Solidarity! I have acne pretty badly too, and I know how personally clear my skin but... I have to be on superhyperwatch to make sure I get no cows' milk even close to my food, and do a smelly mask every night (honey, sugar, aspirin, apple cider vinegar, green tea). My daily beauty struggle is wrestling with myself over if I want to avoid all restaurant and gifted food and spend an hour with a mask on. Lately most days the answer is no so my skin sucks right now.

Also Victoria! Your eye photos are always so perfect;you could just throw a dart at 'em on the days you feel uninspired. Just sayin' <3

Jan 24, 2013

Judy C.

I know what you mean @elisa, I have to eat gluten free and eating out can be so difficult, sometimes I can't resist and eat a little bit of what my bf eats and it definitely shows on my face! 

Jan 24, 2013

Judy C.

I also noticed fast food makes my acne get even worse so can't eat none of that either 

Jan 24, 2013

Himika S.

my hair :/
hi guys. i have got a really bad shaped hair. neither is it curly nor it is wavy. its somewere in the middle.
n idk how to style them

Jan 24, 2013

Jen H.

Post-acne scarring and very dark under eye circles are my curse. 

Jan 24, 2013

Judy C.

Looks like a lot of people have the dark under eye circle problem, for me it's hereditary, does anybody know a skin product that helps get rid of dark marks and/or under eye circles? 

Jan 24, 2013

Brittney P.

Acne and acne scars.

Jan 24, 2013

Sarah K.

Having hooded eyes means I can't do much with them. I also get horrible dark circles under my eyes (genetic unfortunately) which take a lot of makeup to hide them.

Jan 24, 2013

Shy B.

For me it's my eyelashes they DO NOT CURL I've try heated curlers so many lash curlers the curl for about a minute then back to stick straight! Same with my hair  lol

Jan 24, 2013

Lori M.

Getting my left eyebrow to look as good as my right one. ;___;

Jan 24, 2013

Cameron R.

I'm with you on acne! I got mine completely cleared up on Differin for about 3 years, even though I only used it for about 2 years. I have been breaking out sporadically the past few months, but this morning I woke up with the worst breakout I have ever had in my life and it made me break down in to tears because I try so hard to take really good care of my skin.

Also, my skin is either really oily, or really dry. Never a healthy medium, so I have tons of different foundations for days when my skin is dry, oily, broken out, mostly clear, etc. 

Jan 24, 2013

Meredith M.

for me, its sleep....like i normally can't sleep that well so i always end up looking super tired and it ruins my whole makeup look and stuff :/ i also have difficulty with eyeliner sometimes..

Jan 24, 2013

Linnea G.

My struggle is time! Lol. I really don't have enough time in the morning..

Jan 24, 2013

Jen H.

@Judy C: dark under eye circles are the devil's work! Lol. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done about them. The thinness of the orbital skin and the shallow blood vessels near to the surface make for a deadly (and mostly genetic) combination. Bags tend to be different, as there are ways to decrease edema in the under eye tissue: sleeping with your head elevated, keeping nasal passages and sinuses open when possible during allergy flareups, and applying cold packs or topical vasoconstrictants (like hemorrhoid cream or caffeine) to decrease the swelling. I don't have any bags at all, just deep blue circles that remain the bane of all makeup efforts!

Jan 24, 2013

Selina J.

I have the hardest time trying to make my makeup last all day. I work 9 hour days most of the time and it usually starts around my lunch break. Its not so bad now because its been really cold here. and I've been breaking out more lately.

Jan 24, 2013

Tyler B.

keeping my hair the way i want it,it's so thick