This may be crazy, but...


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Jan 24, 2013

Emma T.

Does anyone else never do their hair? I used to a lot but now I prefer my natural messy waves. Post pictures of your natural hair!

Jan 24, 2013

Lisa J.

Lucky you! My hair naturally is curly and straight at the same time so it looks weird leaving it that way. :/ I have to scrunch it if I leave it natural.

Jan 24, 2013

Marlana P.

I always do and always did. Then when I actually do my hair I wish I didn't lol. Then people wonder how my hair gets so long!

Jan 24, 2013

Maud V.

my hair is very curly but I prefer waves so mostly I brush my curls until they get waves.

Jan 24, 2013

Lauren N.

During the summer i like to go all natural with my hair, no chemicals or heat!

Jan 25, 2013

Sarah L.

Ha! I'm a lazy beast these days. I tend to go to bed with my hair towel wet with just a tad of serum. Then I twist it and pin it up. Somehow in the morning I detangle the mess and out fall beautiful waves! It's a shock every time but it works!

Jan 25, 2013

Stephanie D.

I'm with Lisa. I use heatless methods sometimes, but I'm pretty much obligated to mess with it.

Jan 25, 2013

Shanay N.

I do the same as Lauren N! Then my hair can take the heat styling I do during the school year :)

Jan 25, 2013

B H.

I don't do mine often either. I work in a restaurant, so I usually just pull it back in a ponytail. 

Jan 25, 2013

Emily W.

My hair is stick straight and cannot hold a style (too many cowlicks hiding underneath) so I don't even have the option to do my hair if I wanted. I would kill for curly hair! I think it is so pretty...

Jan 25, 2013

AnnaMarea C.

being a mommy now, I just toss my hair in a bun and go lol 

Jan 25, 2013

Isabel A.

natural, just bed head small talk.

Jan 25, 2013

Isabel A.

i think you can see my hair better here