I have a problem


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Jan 24, 2013

Sabah M.

Everytime I go to the hair dresser asking for strong see able layers and when they cut it the layers will be on the other side of my hair, at the back where my neck would be, and then my hair at the front will be straight without layers! Why does this happen to me?!?!?!?

Jan 24, 2013

Stephanie S.

next time be more clear and tell the exactly what you want. Maybe try a new hair dress my old jaor dresser just wasmt able to do my layer how I wanted I would say a lot of choppy layers and it would look like she didnt put any at all.

Jan 24, 2013

Stephanie S.

next time be more clear and tell the exactly what you want. Maybe try a new hair dress my old jaor dresser just wasmt able to do my layer how I wanted I would say a lot of choppy layers and it would look like she didnt put any at all.

Jan 24, 2013

Stephanie S.

next time be more clear and tell the exactly what you want. Maybe try a new hair dress my old jaor dresser just wasmt able to do my layer how I wanted I would say a lot of choppy layers and it would look like she didnt put any at all.

Jan 24, 2013

Stephanie S.

next time be more clear and tell the exactly what you want. Maybe try a new hair dress my old jaor dresser just wasmt able to do my layer how I wanted I would say a lot of choppy layers and it would look like she didnt put any at all.

Raianna G.

Jan 24, 2013

Raianna G.

People at the salon have ALWAYS messed up my hair. Out of all of the trips I went to the salon, only ONCE have they gotten it right. My hair is so screwed up its not even funny. I'm 14 and I go there quite a bit, so think about it for a minute, that's a lot of trips and out of all of them one trip was good...

Raianna G.

Jan 24, 2013

Raianna G.

I always tell them in great detail of how I want it cut, but it's like NOPE I'm gonna make your hair look like crap. -_-

Jan 24, 2013

Kayli H.

Literally every time I get my hair cut I tell them I want short choppy layers that are visible. Do I ever get them? Nope. I just ended up cutting them myself. I say just do it yourself. You can find tutorials on youtube for exactly what you want. It's really not that hard to get layers. What I do it get my hair damp, bend over and flip my hair forward, tie it in a ponytail at my forehead, then cut straight across the bottom. It actually looks really nice. Not EXACTLY what I want, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing haha

Jan 24, 2013

Sabah M.

Haha thanks!:)

Raianna G.

Jan 24, 2013

Raianna G.

@Kayli and its cheaper haha

Jan 24, 2013

Cher W.

If you don't want to cut your own hair, take pictures of what you do like! Check out hair style magazines. Even take pictures of what you don't like to make sure they know what you mean. 

Jan 24, 2013

Yara F.

how i can do an easy bun cute one bcoz ive got exams! and i dont have a time to stratight my hair?? :) hellp

Jan 24, 2013

Alexis H.

How about getting a picture of exactly what you want and give it to your hairdresser so then she will be able to see exactly what you want instead of you trying to tell her and she comes up with an image in her head of what you want that might not match what you actually want...

Jan 24, 2013

Hannah W.

it all depends on how. people's hair grow and the texture of your hair, if you have quite soft obedient hair then your layers will not be as visible however if you have course hair it will show more as they will not blend as well. hairdressers in salons have an addiction to using thinning scissors...big no no. . not only do they make your hair thicker in the long run they also hide layers.  

Jan 24, 2013

Wendy S.

thinning shears are actually texturizing shears and I use them to blend and only thin those who ask. but anyway. you have to tell the girl that you want shorter layers. some stylists get gun shy and play it safe. tell her to go for it and Gove you tons. and choppy layers can be done with a razor but if you have fine hair it ain't gonna be choppy unless you damage your hair which ain't fun

Jan 24, 2013

Loren B.

You need to tell them how much to take off / where you want your hair going down to