Mean Girls!!!! 😰


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Feb 1, 2013

Kaila P.

This is whats been going on at school. I've been getting a lot of death and fight threats from people. The school is aware of what's been going on, but I have no physical proof that they have been saying this to me. Today I got tripped on the bus and called a "fucking cunt" I mean I'm not easily pushed around, but these two girls have been doing this for the past 3 months. Ive no idea what else to do. Should I hit them? Idk!!!!! Ive been ditching my classes because I don't want to deal with them :/ please help.

Feb 1, 2013

Nvart D.

Ignore it all hunnie .. Be the bigger person it might be hard but you will get through it I promise you ! And don't ditch class look brave sweety. Let the pronciples handle it 

Feb 1, 2013

Nvart D.

And if they don't you just have an adult come in and tell the principle 

Feb 1, 2013

Alma M.

That's not ok, have you told your parents? I ask because its important that you tell them and tell someone at your shouldn't have to go through that alone it becomes emotional stress for you and obviously for your education.My daughter went through it and I got involved.she was push tripped and broke her wrist when she was younger and when she started high school she was made fun of and was called names and it really affected her self esteem to the point it got so bad for her she was UN happy but I got involved again and help change the situation at school and it stopped.I hope you speak up soon.

Feb 1, 2013

Alma M.

Be in control, they don't matter..Don't let them take that from you.

Feb 1, 2013

Kaila P.

My mom knows, and we're trying everything from inccondit statements to the sheriff. But they claim to not have "proof" the girls are now pulling my boyfriend into this, and today he got punched in the face by one of the girls bootycalls :/

Feb 1, 2013

Alma M.

That's awful

Apr 12, 2013

Jenn S.

Ignoring them will not make this just go away. You need to stand up for yourself, if you are at school make sure you have friends that can attest to what is going on with you all the time. BTW buses are all equipped with cameras. So, if you are being bullied on the bus you can request the video feed. It might sound weird but if you are fearing for your physical safety you have every right to request a teacher/principal/whatever adult be with you between classes as well, like walking to and from where you are going. It doesn't make you weak to want your safety.

Don't get in a fight with them! This ends badly every single time! If they are going to try and start something walk away, find an adult, travel in a pack, and be vocal. Speak up, look them in the eye and tell them to stop, record when this happen, where and what was said and done to show to the principal. You have that picture, keep it and take others if you need too to keep that record. Whatever you do don't back down or ignore this. Fight back calmly and logically. Find other people they are doing this too if you can and ban together. The more people complain about them being bullied by these people the more serious they have to take it.

If all else fails transfer to another school. No joke, at my jr high we had several people transfer in from other schools were they were being bullied and it changed their lives for the better.