How To Do Ombre Hair?


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Feb 1, 2013

Karen A.

ok so idid rock the ombre hair (brown wid "blonde") but I got bored and went back to black hair. I do want to go back to ombre again but this time I want to do it my self since I have shoulder length hair. where should I put the blonde? and is it okay if I just bleach it and leave it like that?

Feb 1, 2013

Stephanie D.

Eek! Yeah, sure. Do it that way if you want black and frazzled orange. Shoulder length hair is not, IMO, long enough to get an even ombre yourself. It needs to be at least BSL (bra strap length) if you want to pull that off.

Also, if you just dump bleach on your hair, it will go through several stages of lightening, you will end up with a funky intermediate, and then you're going to have to tone over it. It's a bad, bad idea.

Go to a salon. 

Jessica S.

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica S.

Go to a salon. Period. 

Jessica S.

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica S.

Omg Stephanie we commented at the same time. Lol

Jessica S.

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica S.

Honestly- i dont like ombré. Theres a stylist at my salon that has all red ombré, not attractive. BUT- to each their own. Im not one to judge. :) 

Feb 1, 2013

Jodeci B.

Okay I've re-ombred hair many times before. Okay so what you want to do is buy the revlon frost and glow kit which you can but from Walmart in the hairdye aisle. The thing I love about the frost and glow kit is that there is different kinds for different colors of hair. And what you do is get tin foil and you take it by strands and put most of the product towards the bottom and keep wiping upwards the trick is to do each little strand a different length so it looks natural 

Feb 1, 2013

Stephanie D.

Ombre looks best if the fade is super gradual and the color difference is within 1-2 shades.

There are things that I would go to a salon for and things that I wouldn't. This isn't really one of them. Trying to fade out the color is something you need eyes in the back of your head and three hands for.

Feb 1, 2013

Stephanie D.

Actually, the above is a great picture of why I wouldn't try it myself. It's all over the place. Some of it is platinum, some of it is an orangey amber's just all over the place, comepletely uneven and the color differences don't work with each other. At all.

I ESPECIALLY wouldn't do it on previously box-dyed black hair. Such a majorly horrible idea. 

Feb 1, 2013

Jodeci B.

Well I like it, and if she likes it then she can try it. But if she doesn't then she doesn't have too. We all know what we like and were here to give her tips, you gave her yours and I gave her mine, that's why we're here

Jessica S.

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica S.

Ombré Isnt exactly easy to do either. From my stand point. Its a huge process that takes a lot of steps. And its a fad- that will fade with all the rest of them.. 

Jessica S.

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica S.

Right- and we were suggesting she actually go to a salon. You people doing your own hair kills me. In the long run- you mess it up and WE as stylists have to fix your mess. No thanks.. 

Jessica S.

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica S.

But then again- im the one making money of your mistakes.. 

Feb 1, 2013

Trisha Minela S.

this is my hair now.. i bleached it twice and lightened once to get the look that i wanted.. it does dry your hair. but yeah my hair is black and blached half of it and i suggest next bleach only the ends so it goes lighter.. :) 

Feb 2, 2013

Geraldine S.

youtube it

Feb 2, 2013

Stephanie D.

Hey now, I'm the first person to advance DIY techniques and I've made a downright art of manipulating box dyes...but I'm also not stupid enough to not realize that there are sometimes limitations. I MIGHT try an ombre on my own hair (if I were so inclined), but I can pull it forward all the way and see what I'm doing for a good 7 or 8 inches. Shoulder length hair? Nope.

Not to mention that you'd have to lighten, then tone, because any lightening you do on the black box dye isn't just automatically going to go to a nice honey blonde. Actually, she'd have to lighten her WHOLE head to go back to brown, then go BACK over the tips, THEN tone. We're talking 3 steps minimum, more like 5 if you wanted to do it right.

A salon can do it in one or two steps, one day, a fraction of the time with considerably less product and ultimately way less hassle with a better result. That's just the way it is. 

Feb 2, 2013

Cherry H.

I like jodeci's pic. it's similar to my daughters hair and hers is completely natural. natural hair isn't perfect.

Feb 2, 2013

Nichole V.

Ombre is OVER. Just don't do it unless you want to look really cool circa 2011.

Jul 28, 2013

Jeana V.

If you do decide to DIY at least go to Sally Beauty supply and use one of their reputable brands like ION or WELLA. Also if I were you I would just stay black and just do a purple red or blue dye you won't have to go platinum