Your daily routine?


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Jan 25, 2013

Cheyanne C.

What do you do when you wake up and go to bed? What do you do when you get ready in the morning? Excercise, eat breakfast, take a shower? Let me know what you do to get ready! From your face wash cycle to your makeup and the products you use to the way you do your hair. Spill girls :)

Jan 25, 2013

Jacquie W.

I normally wake up and make a cup of coffee, wash my face (cleanse, tone an moisturize), eat breakfast usually fruit and organic oatmeal, then shower and towel dry then I apply a fragrance free body lotion. I use Cetaphil face cleanser, Clinique clarifying lotion #2, and Clinique redness solutions moisturizer. Also for my hair I use morrocan oil and a heat protector.

Jan 26, 2013

Cheyanne C.

What's a good toner with no fragrance or harsh chemicals that will make me break out? 

Jan 26, 2013

Zeroya A.

i wake up and brush my teeth, wash my face with a face breakfast...iron my clothes, take a shower..dry my hair with a towel (never used a dryer)...apply deodrant + perfume...brush my hair, tie it losely with a clip...and treadmil before sleeping every now and then

Jan 26, 2013

Cheyanne C.

What time do you guys wake up and go to bed?