Good Makeup For Teens Age 14


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Jan 26, 2013

Kalah D.

lm fourteen and started makeup a dew months back Im using some of my mom's and some elf I bought. any suggestions?

Jan 26, 2013

Heather H.

Maybe some light eyeshadow and lipgloss. Your skin is so gentle at your age right now. I wouldn't cake the make up on. It could cause problems for your skin when you're older. I learned the hard way.

Jan 27, 2013

Delia S.

Don't use a foundation, since you probably don't need it, try a tinted moisturizer instead. You can use a clear brow/lash gel instead of mascara or brow product to get a more youthful look. Also, I would go for lipglosses instead of lipstick because, again, they look less mature and, trust me, in a few years you will WANT to look younger, haha! :D

Jan 27, 2013

Catherine C.

if you need some coverage, use a bb cream, the one from maybeline is really good, for your eyes dont do more than mascara and eyeliner because other wise ittlle be too much, and for lips just keep them bare or add lipgloss

Jan 27, 2013

Nicole S.

Basically start experimenting, because you won't know what looks good on you until you try it...and it will be obvious when you are wearing too much