All This Talk


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Jan 26, 2013

Zack Danielle B.

Ok all this talk of ppl don't like makeup because they test on animals... But honestly, what if something happends to you because they don't. Like idc about a stupid rat. But like I do find it sad on any other animals. But I also don't want something bad happening to myself because they don't...

Jan 26, 2013

Vikki H.

Products not tested on animals still have to be go through rigorous testing (on human volunteers) before they can be sold. Do you not think it's a bit hypocritical to say you don't care if your make up is tested on a 'stupid' rat, but no other animals? Is this because you don't think rats are as cute as other animals? Should we test makeup on just the ugly humans? 

Jan 26, 2013

Tyler B.

I like to avoid buying products that are tested on animals,i'm an animal lover,i don't care if it's a rat,it's still am animal that does no harm,i'm against all animal cruelty,i hate society! :(

Raianna G.

Jan 26, 2013

Raianna G.

Really? A "stupid" rat? It's people like you that make me SICK. Animals are animals no matter what breed they are. One of my dogs was abused we he was little and we rescued him from the horrible place he was in. I hate hearing about animal abuse of any kind. Animals don't need makeup, testing on animals need to stop. So many animals get abused everyday. They can test on HUMANS, the things that actually wear the makeup. I hate society so much! I can't believe I'm growing up in a society that has people that do this! 

Raianna G.

Jan 26, 2013

Raianna G.

^breed or species (forgot to add that)

Jan 26, 2013

Tyler B.

Agreed Raianna

Jan 26, 2013

Stephanie D.

Quick reality check.

1. People do actually own rats as pets. My brother used to keep rats and they are actually pretty cute and they're definitely intelligent.

2. That being said, in most cases lab animals are cloned specimens that are bred specifically for the purpose of being tested on the same way chickens are bred for the purpose of being eaten.

3. Animal testing in a scientific context has given us insulin and a multiplicity of other medical advancements. I find it ironic that people who head up (or used to head up) PETA are diabetics and rely on animal products/testing to LIVE.

For cosmetic reasons, animal testing is a little foolish at this point. I think manufacturers should be pretty aware of what compounds will melt your face off without testing it on an animal first. 

Jan 26, 2013

Allison W.

I actually agree with the original post. Some animals are bred for testing, like Steph said. But you gotta think, what is more inhumane... testing on an animal or testing on a human? Dont get me wrong, Im an animal lover too, but I refuse to only buy non animal tested make up. If youre not buying that make up, the animals its tested on died/went through testing for nothing, still kinda inhumane. Chickens are also bred just to be eaten, how many of you that only buy non animal tested make up dont eat chicken? Or any other meat/animal products? Im not saying Im for animal testing, but Im saying its a little ridiculous to me not to buy a product strictly for that reason. Dont tear me apart for that, its my opinion and Im just as entitled to have one as anyone else. 

Jan 26, 2013

Shelley W.

Thank you Stephanie D. for bringing up the medical aspect of animal testing because the cancer drug trial I was on a few years ago was first tested on amimals and those drugs saved my life. 

Jan 26, 2013

Caitlin M.

I agree with Stephanie as well. I think there are reasonable things to test on animals, like medical drugs that could save many lives. Cosmetics....not so much. I agree that by now they should have enough of an idea of what is harmful and what isn't. At this point I think it would be good to start phasing animal testing out.

On another note I also agree with Allison. While I'd prefer if the products I used weren't tested on animals, it doesn't deter me from buying them. It may sound awful and make people think less of me, but those are my feelings. 

Okay, 1) animal testing for cosmetics and medicine are not the same thing. I'm not going to die because I didn't put on concealer in the morning. If you "don't care about a stupid rat," that's you, but there are people that own "stupid rats" and they care.

And okay, 2) I personally wouldn't care if something happened to me anyway

If you (general usage now) want to buy animal tested products, then that's you, but there's no need to write off on those that don't.

Jan 26, 2013

Jazminmarie J.


Jan 27, 2013

Hannah F.

it really bothers me when people say "oh its just a rat" while no its not just a rat. its a breathing live animal that doesnt deserve to be tested on. Their are actually cheap alternatives to animal testing and it isnt necesssary to do by law unless its a "new to this world" ingredient. well many other cruelty-free companies are doing just fine using already known products. Like Yolanda said animals dont have a voice, but they do have feelings and experience pain. So many people dont realize that it isnt only rats or rodents being tested on but bunnoes and cats and dogs and monkeys. testing on animals for COSMETIC reasons and HEALTH reasons are two different things. Keep that in mind when you talk crap about something you know nothing about.

Jan 27, 2013

Hannah F.

sorry for the spelling errors it won't let me see what i wrote on my phone:S

Jan 27, 2013

Allison W.

How many of you that are SO against animal testing are vegans? If not, Im pretty sure I'd rather be tested on than eaten. Youre making a big deal out of almost nothing. Unless youre vegan I dont wanna hear anything about poor defenseless animals and how they dont deserve to be tested on and they dont have a voice. They dont have a voice to yell 'NOOOO dont eat meeeee!!'
Im certainly not vegan, but Im saying its ridiculous to be so die hard against testing, but then you chow down on their meat. Just my opinion, I know in the next posts Im gonna be attacked so bring it on I guess. Lets hear it. 

Jan 27, 2013

Allison W.

How many of you that are SO against animal testing are vegans? If not, Im pretty sure I'd rather be tested on than eaten. Youre making a big deal out of almost nothing. Unless youre vegan I dont wanna hear anything about poor defenseless animals and how they dont deserve to be tested on and they dont have a voice. They dont have a voice to yell 'NOOOO dont eat meeeee!!'
Im certainly not vegan, but Im saying its ridiculous to be so die hard against testing, but then you chow down on their meat. Just my opinion, I know in the next posts Im gonna be attacked so bring it on I guess. Lets hear it. 

Jan 27, 2013

Allison W.

How many of you that are SO against animal testing are vegans? If not, Im pretty sure I'd rather be tested on than eaten. Youre making a big deal out of almost nothing. Unless youre vegan I dont wanna hear anything about poor defenseless animals and how they dont deserve to be tested on and they dont have a voice. They dont have a voice to yell 'NOOOO dont eat meeeee!!'
Im certainly not vegan, but Im saying its ridiculous to be so die hard against testing, but then you chow down on their meat. Just my opinion, I know in the next posts Im gonna be attacked so bring it on I guess. Lets hear it. 

Jan 27, 2013

Natalie W.

What if, in a parallel universe, rats wore makeup and tested it on stupid humans. How would you feel about that? 

Jan 27, 2013

Alisa D.

There are quite a few highly interesting documents/aries on how most of the meat is raised in the US. It is far more alarming than animal testing for cosmetic purposes (I am in no way stating that I am for or against animal testing or that I am for or against eating meat raised the way it typically is in the US). For all the animal lovers, I cannot express with enough verosity through text how very important it is to know the truth behind your food. If you are willing to go as far as not buying certain brands of makeup there is far more animals that can be protected if enough people stopped buying regular meat and demanded a change in the market. And I would bet anything most people (off dependancy of their parent or guardian) spend far more on food annually than cosmetics. Stopping animal testing is a very good cause, but if you feel that passionately, apply it to even greater aspects of your life.

Jan 27, 2013

Yesenia P.

The thing is that the FDA doesn't require testing on animals for products sold in the USA. Companies that want to sell in China have to do animal testing. Tests that have been said to not even be conclusive. And the thing is that not just rats are being tested on. There are puppies and cats and bunnies. They are held against their will and tortured. It's not like they just put makeup ok the animals. They force feed these animals chemicals and put chemicals in their eyes and hold them down and drill into their heads. Sorry for getting so graphic. But when you say you don't see the big deal- remember they aren't putting makeup on monkeys, they are torturing animals. And I have started a transition into only purchasing from companies that do not yet on animals and sell in china. Also I have started a transition into vegetarianism. 

Jan 27, 2013

Lauren B.

Who cares would you rather have one animal die or a human

Jan 27, 2013

Lauren M.

I've done plenty of projects and reports on animal testing do you know they test eyeshadow on rabbits because they don't have eyelids. imagine if you got something in your eye and you had to leave it there until it caused an eye ulcer and you went blind.

Hahaha, Lauren. What a ridiculous question. Obviously, there are a lot of people that care otherwise this topic wouldn't be brought up so many times.

Jan 27, 2013

Allison W.

Why would they drill into their heads? Show me an article that says that and I'll believe it. Otherwise I think its kinda silly to say that. And again I ask, would you find it more humane or acceptable to do these tests on humans? 

Jan 27, 2013

Allison W.

Why would they drill into their heads? Show me an article that says that and I'll believe it. Otherwise I think its kinda silly to say that. And again I ask, would you find it more humane or acceptable to do these tests on humans?